Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Even if China collapses, its not the end of the world

Jim Rogers : Well, first of all, China is a third the size of the U.S. economy. Europe and America are 10 times the size of China. So even if China collapses, it’s not the end of the world and even if China booms, it’s not going to save the world.It’s important, it’s very important but it’s not the most important thing. China is trying to slow down and some parts of their economy are going to fail, collapse, they are going to have some bankruptcies.Europe is certainly extremely important, what’s going on there but Europe as a whole is in much better shape than we are. Europe as a whole is not a big debtor. The United States, as a whole, is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world and we’ve got states that are in trouble – Illinois, New York, California. Europe has states that are in trouble – Greece. You know the names as well as I do. No, America is the one we have to worry about the most. - in The Street Interview
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