Friday, July 15, 2011

Bob Chapman - Europe is a goner , it is just a question of when

FFw/JB Radio Show (7/14/2011): Bob Chapman - Freedom Files - 14 July 2011

Bob Chapman : the make up of Europe is such because of the many many tribes that live there through the centuries to have a European Union is anthropologically unnatural , it is as simple as that , the European union cannot work they want it as a leading towards the world government and of course the Eurozone the Euro the important thing about that was the world currency which they wanted the Euro to become , and the banks may loan far beyond what they should've they knew better and now they're all stuck they are broke , it is gonna be default they are going to get paid back , the major banks in Europe are going to go under and most of the countries also at least six o them , they are in dire situation and they have been forging the books for years , the game is over it is simply over it might take three years to get phased out but it is coming ..., the experiment is dead

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