Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bob Chapman debates the Bilderberg 2011 meeting in Switzerland

Bob Chapman on Freedom Files Radio - June 09 2011

Bob Chapman : ...we thank Jim Tucker who has been following this for many years and also Daniel Estulin , I think they are ahead of their time and make arrangement for the people working in the area feed them information , they are at St. Moritz ...I understand that some of the things are going to take place in Zurich and in Geneva , Zurich is not too far away but Geneva is a fair piece , I lived in Switzerland for long time , but anyway they had a road closed yesterday I think they had to throw the event forward one day and then they started stopping cars and searching them and all that sort of things so , and then there was a possible bomb threat and that fowls things up pretty good and so I think these things got off to a rocky start ...I think that's wonderful....

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