Friday, June 24, 2011

Bob Chapman : Central Banks Gold Holdings are bogus

Bob Chapman : The Central banks are allowed by the IMF to lease their gold , they lease it let's say to JP Morgan Chase hypothetically and they get 0.3 percent in interest , obviously they are not doing it to get an income or an income stream ...the IMF allows all these central banks if they chose to , to lease gold to say JP Morgan Chase let's say it is a billion dollars worth and let's say it is for ninety days and at the end of ninety days JP Morgan Chase does not return the gold they give the money US Dollars , so effectively the gold has not been leased it has been sold , now the IMF allows them and this is mind bugling all these central banks to carry all their leased gold on their books as still belonging to them even though they got paid for it , and so that's why all the figures that you see for the gold and silver holdings at the central banks around the world all are bogus

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