Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Buy the Euro & the Swiss Franc in 2012

Jim Rogers : " well Jeff I sold some Euros a few weeks ago , I still have many of the Euros and I am actually thinking of buying more , I read somewhere may be on CNBC that there is a huge short position now that the hedge funds are all short the Euro so I am kind of feeling buying more , I have not yet but I am certainly not selling "

"I suspect that Merkel and that crowd are going to do something to make us feel better, remember the French have an election this year and I think they would like to win the election, so I suspect you are going to see things coming out of governments for the euro." Jim Rogers explains

" Well I own the Swiss franc Jeff I actually own more of the Swiss franc than I own the Euro I am actually thinking about buying the Swiss franc even more seriously than the Euro , because the Swiss said we are not going to let the swiss franc go up anymore they knocked down for a while but In my experience in currency markets, the markets have more money than any central bank, and if I am right there are going to be a lot of currency turmoil in 2012 and people are going to be looking for safe heavens and the safe heavens they are looking for are the Swiss franc the Yen and the US Dollar , the US Dollar is not a safe heaven I am not even sure the Yen is but I am thinking about buying more Swiss francs because the markets have more money than they do ”

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