Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jim Rogers : India is one of the worst places to do business

Jim Rogers : "The headlines said that India is now going to open it up, so that people can invest in the Indian stock market. People were waiting for this for a long time. I may have covered my shorts and might even buy in India — but I realized, it is the same world, bureaucratic nightmare in India."
"One thing would be if you opened your economy, currency, stock market and commodity markets. If you opened everything, I would have to start getting very interested in India. I have talked to you before about the nightmare of bureaucracy and the regulations there. The government just keeps spending other people’s money. India is a single best country in the world to visit as a tourist, but one of the single worst bureaucracies in the world and one of the single worst places to do business. That can all change. It could be extremely exciting maybe not in 2012, but certainly after if the Indian government would ever get its act together. "- in ET Now

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