Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The biggest risk in China would be an inflation not a deflation scenario

Jim Rogers: It’s a terrible idea. They need to crack inflation. They’ve got a serious inflation problem. Either they have to beat inflation internally or they have to make the currency convertible. They are apparently not going to make the currency convertible. Now if they continue with inflation, then they are going to have even more problems a year from now, two years from now.The biggest risk in China would be an inflation not a deflation scenario with property prices falling so much?The worst problem is that their inflation comes back – they have all of this money trapped inside of China and its sloshing around and it goes back into real estate. I mean they did this once before three or four years ago. They tightened up but then they got scared and then they loosened up again before they cracked the real estate [problem] and they may do it again – that would be a serious problem. - in The

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