Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bob Chapman on the Mortgage Meltdown

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty 25 Oct 2010

Bob Chapman wrote on the International Forecaster of the 27th October 2010 "....In Foreclosuregate the federal government is trying to cover up the damage and put it off until after the election. The states’ attorney generals’ have different ideas. Even if mortgages were traded electronically the law demands that there be a paper trail. The initial events in this discovery process has already unveiled that banks used the same mortgages to fill different loan packages. They were sold multiple times, which, of course, is fraud. Furthermore the MERS system is unlawful. As a result Bank of America has demanded the FDIC pay them for faulty or bad mortgages. Evidently the practice of multiple mortgage use was widespread. The entire system is rife with fraud, due to lack of lawful, proper, legal documentation. That had led banks to arrange mortgages to totally unqualified borrowers just to be able to securitize and sell those AAA rated mortgages. The banks made major amounts of money and the Federal Reserve arranged for the taxpayer to pay the bill. The banks carried fractional banking to a new level in their deliberate fraud. In fact, there is even the possibility that the mortgages were never really securitized. There probably never was any paper work and what there was perpetuated fraud. In addition there is also the possibility that LPS, a foreclosure-outsourcing firm, fabricated documents and committed forgery as well....."

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