Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bob Chapman on the Yuan China Reserve Currency

Bob Chapman on the Renminbi China Reserve Currency (Aug-10)

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of 22nd September 2010 :"We do not have exact figures of the Fed’s intervention in the MBS, CDO, GSE and Treasury markets it has to have been at least $2.2 trillion over a one-year period plus the last stimulus package, which puts the number at $3 trillion. Unfortunately it looks like that will have to be done all over again for another year and perhaps two years. You say, where does it all end? Well it doesn’t – it just gets worse as purchasing power falls at least 7% a year, wages remain stagnant and unemployment rises, as government and the Fed cannot stem deflation even by creating $3 trillion, or so, a year. This should give you an idea of the trouble we are in. In this process unfortunately the dollar is being destroyed. Just think of what will happen if China, Japan and Korea have to sell or want to sell dollars? Are we to see competitive monetization? Of course we are. Alliances are one thing and reality is another. As we said 17 months ago what you are seeing is a battle between the US dollar and gold for supremacy and gold has already won. Those who realize and understand this know where we are headed. Those who do not could lose it all. "

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