Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Best way to Invest in China is to Buy the Renmimbi or Commodities

Jim Rogers : The Best way to Invest in China for my point of view is to buy the currency, the Chinese Renmimbi , it's getting easier and easier to buy it , the Bank of China is going around the world opening branches , I do not know if they have one in Austria yet , they certainly have them in some cities in Europe , in America and in Asia, the currency has been depressed whether it is artificial or not , it has been depressed for some time and in my view the Renmimbi will go higher , another way to invest in China , cause most people do not understand the Chinese companies or the Chinese language but at it is an even better way to invest in commodities , because the Chinese have to buy commodities , if you have cotton , they have to buy cotton , they will take you to dinner they will pay for the dinner they will pay their bills on time because the Chinese they have to buy cotton they have to buy nickel they have to buy oil ...etc if Asia is going to continue to grow which obviously I think it is , buying commodities is one of the best ways (to invest in China ) - in RBS Conference Vienna Austria

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