Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 27 June 2011

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty 27 June 2011

Bob Chapman : Greek military want to have a coup like the one they did in 1974 , Spain is in a dreadful shape  Belgium has a terrible political problem the Flemish and the Walloon what they are doing in the same country I'll never know says bob Chapman of the International forecaster because they have very little in common culturally or otherwise , and then you have Italy it has been know for the last eleven years that Spain and Italy should have never been accepted in the Euro zone that they used credit default swaps through Goldman Sachs JP Morgan Chase and Citi Group to hide their real financial positions everybody in Europe knew but they all looked to the other side . Spain with young people between 18 and 35 years old has a 33.5 percent unemployment rate now how could you ask a country that has unemployment rate along 25 percent to have more austerity so that the banks can get paid , you got to be kidding me !!! it is just not going to happen people are not going to be living like animals they wouldn't do it , you can push push and push and there comes a time when people will say we are going to do it anymore , and the same is true for America , America will eventually default

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