Friday, August 21, 2009

Bob Chapman FED using foreign banks to monetize debt behind closed doors

The Chinese will be out of the dollar in a year or a year and a half Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman talks about the dirty tricks pulled by Ben Bernanke for the federal reserve to manipulate the dollar
recorded on August 14th 2009

Pressure (Countdown) Toward Breakdown
By Jim Willie CB
My best sources of information report that some unexpected deep shocks are coming from US Governement creditor nations. They are simply fed up, frustrated, and astonished at the manner of lost control, spiraling debts, and blatant monetization amidst lies in denial of that same monetization.

The US Treasury auctions now have domestic hidden elements, and global hidden monetization elements. The USFed is purchasing through Permanent Open Market Operations the bonds grabbed by the primary dealers. Some of the auctions are actually underbid, and fortunately for the statistics, the bid/cover ratio includes obligated dealer bids.

The USFed liberally uses its USDollar Swap Facility to enable strong bids by foreign central banks, except that they are highly likely coming from US Fed accounts on foreign soil, or else from money lent by the USFed itself. Warning after warning have come not to monetize, not to debauch the USDollar currency, not to permit skyrocketing deficits.
Yet they continue, and worse, little if any reform or actual stimulus has occurred. Mainly what we witness is more channeled funds to the big banks, more coverage of credit derivative fires, and more announcements of bond support. See the $1.25 trillion support for Fannie Mae bonds, aka USAgency Mortgage Bonds.

The Green Shoots have now been dismissed as a marketing ploy. The Stress Tests have now been dismissed as a marketing ploy. The Stimulus Plan has now been dismissed as a marketing ploy. The only USEconomic recovery will be a statistical recovery. A Jobless Recovery is a recovery for stocks and a redemption for the bankers. Main Street continues to be discarded.

As a last footnote, never overlook the continued urgent Chinese initiative to spend their USTBonds quickly, for useful tangible purposes, before any damaging sequence of events occurs. Simon Black (aka the International Man) wrote, I have been spending a lot of time this week talking to my sources in China, one of whom is inside one of the country's sovereign wealth funds (SWF). He also indicated that the SWF analysts were working around the clock trying to put deals together.

For China it is a race against the clock for how fast they can convert their $2 trillion in US Dollar holdings into strategic assets, namely oil and gold. At todays deflated prices, putting together a really good billion dollar deal is a difficult thing to do. Putting together 2000 of them is impossible. Doing it before the dollar collapses? Not a Chinamans chance. And they know it.

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