Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bob Chapman - Real Estate is illiquid and vulnerable

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report - May 31, 2011

Bob Chapman : people have learned at least these three generations we are living in now that Real Estate is illiquid and vulnerable , and you buy a house to live init not to gamble with it

Bob Chapman : Real Inflation Could Reach 30-50%

Aaron Dykes talks with regular Friday guest, Bob Chapman, publisher of The International Forecaster, about the economy and other important issues
Bob Chapman has been writing about the shipping out of jobs from US soil since 1967. Amazing.
When Reagan and Bush were in office the jobs really went out the door. Clinton then brought in NAFTA, WTO, GATT etc...continuing the exit. The destruction of the US had been planned for decades. Now our economy is bust, politicians are behind this 100%.The constitution is being shredded. AND people are still not waking up.

Please remember that the United Nations controls all airports under treaty and at the top this had nothing to do with the Federal government as such, it went much higher. Remember America was killed in 1868 and the U.S. was wounded in October 1945 and gone completely almost since 1992. Once your guns have been removed you'll be allowed to know the power of the U.N. Also check out Alex's video on the U.N. (U.S.) National Park takeover. Remember Texas, the no-fly zone would also apply to Air Force One. The next time Michelle decided to go on another shopping trip with her 25 servants, or Jumbo Opera, they would have to fly around Texas. Or the next time Barry decided to go on the campaign trail for himself, or one of his nwo-buddies.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Bob Chapman : Sarah Palin is obviously the anointed candidate

Bob Chapman : LibertyRoundTable - 05-30-2011

Bob Chapman : Sarah Palin is obviously the anointed candidate ...I think this episode of Dominique Strauss-Kahn was the result of several things , number one , Sarkozy who has terrible ratings in France did not want him to run at the socialist ticket for the french presidential elections , Sarkozy is a friend of America so they want him back in office , also Miss Lagarde he wanted to get rid of her , says Bob Chapman , and that's why she is the front runner to take over the IMF chairmanship ,the reasons behind it all is that the Europeans want to use an SDR or the EURO

Bob Chapman - The Sovereign Economist 25 May 2011

Bob Chapman : ..it looks like silver is reassuming its leading position it is moving up slowly , the CME owns the COMEX there is really no over hang on the way despite the CME margin increases ....it is a rigged market a crime Incorporated

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bob Chapman it is going to be a hot summer in Spain and in Europe

Bob Chapman - May 27, 2011 - Discount Gold&Silver.Trading

Bob Chapman : the government tried to hold the gold down but they were not successful , people in Spain want change , but the police decided to beat them up , that has planted the seeds of revolution you will see Spain in flames now , it is going to be a hot summer all over Europe

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Bob Chapman - Oracle Broadcasting - Mai 28, 2011

Bob Chapman says that we are gonna have a QE3 in some form or another , they will take the stock market down 2 or 3 thousands points and scare the people so that the people will accept and beg for a QE3 , and so one way or another QE3 will appear and probably appear rather quickly, we gona also have more inflation that will last for the next 2 to 3 years ...

Bob Chapman : Spain and Europe will be in flames this summer

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold Silver Trading 27 May 2011

Bob Chapman : the government tried to hold the gold down but they were not successful , people in Spain want change , but the police decided to beat them up , that has planted the seeds of revolution you will see Spain in flames now , it is going to be a hot summer all over Europe

Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show 27 May 2011

Bob Chapman : The Fed an unconstitutional private bank is behind The Greatest Fraud In History the impoverishment and de-industrialization of America, Texas has learned a very good lesson from our federal government that government has become dictatorial ...their threat was a bluff
we will definitely get a QE3 because if we do not the whole system will collapse , but they might as well call it with another name , the FED has to buy a lot of paper in order to stimulate the economy ...inflation right now is around ten percent , if they do QE3 the inflation will explode...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Bob Chapman : Mexico will back the Peso with Silver soon

Bob Chapman on The Sovereign Economist 25 May 2011

Mexico will back its Peso with silver sooner than later probably after the elections says Bob Chapman , the Inflation i Mexico is up but it is not no where as high as in the US which is three times higher...
Mexico is the second largest silver producer in the world

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold Silver Trading - 05-27-2011

Bob Chapman : the government tried to hold the gold down but they were not successful , people in Spain want change , but the police decided to beat them up , that has planted the seeds of revolution you will see Spain in flames now , it is going to be a hot summer all over Europe

Bob Chapman - American Freedom Files Radio.26 May 2011

FFw/JB Radio Show (5/26/2011): Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman (The International Forecaster) discussed various issues during the first hour of the Thursday May 26, 2011 episode of the Freedom Files with James Burns Radio Show.Bob Chapman - American Freedom Radio - 05-26-2011
Bob Chapman : those who are for the extension of the Patriot Act should be tried for treason , the politicians are all tied up with the electoral contributions money ...America will end up with a revolution ...if they continue doing what they are doing revolution is inevitable ...

Possible Bank Holiday that could last for weeks

Bob Chapman on May 26, 2011

Bob Chapman : ...as far as banks closing are concerned they can last few days or may be as long as two ot three or four weeks until whatever government is in place makes the necessary changes to off-set whatever calamity is befell them I think that sort of thing is possible and probable , when I do not know but the events that are taking place in the world today and particularly in the United States are the seeds of great financial and economic trouble ....

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Bob Chapman: Stansbury and National Inflation Association are Hustlers & Crooks

Bob Chapman : Stansbury and National Inflation Association are Hustlers & Crooks
Bob Chapman exposes National Inflation Association for the Pump and Dump operation that they are , promoting penny stocks that they have no clue about , Bob Chapman asks you not to a be a sucker and buy in those stocks , the NIA is similar to a back end deal , they come up with good stuff in order to get your email and send you their 'hot stocks' that they have been paid to promote ...

Bob Chapman exposed NIA on the CollectorsCoach show way before Peter Schiff did (this video was recorded way back in January 2011) , Peter Schiff , Peter Schiff recently called NIA a Pump and Dump Operation for penny stocks . NIA is involved in pumping and dumping scam. Bob Chapman's service gives information about what is going on in this world, and why you need to buy and hold physical precious metals. In addition, most of the stocks Bob Chapman recommended did go up, and every penny stock NIA recommended went to ZERO!NIA does come out with sensationalism and then puts out an offer to get in on a good stock for a FEE to do so - the back end selling for a single hot tip is offered for >>1000.00 - 1500.00 << this is for each tip mind you via e-mail and then a deadline time limit offer is placed on it to boot...Beware folks.

Bob Chapman - May 25, 2011 - Disc.Gold&Silver.Trading

Bob Chapman exposes National Inflation Association for the Pump and Dump operation that they are , promoting penny stocks that they have no clue about , Bob Chapman asks you not to a be a sucker and buy in those stocks , the NIA is similar to a back end deal , they come up with good stuff in order to get your email and send you their 'hot stocks' that they have been paid to promote ...

The Patriot Act is Unpatriotic

Bob Chapman - American Freedom Radio - 05-26-2011
Bob Chapman : those who are for the extension of the Patriot Act should be tried for treason , the politicians are all tied up with the electoral contributions money ...America will end up with a revolution ...if they continue doing what they are doing revolution is inevitable ...

Bob Chapman : do not buy any Real Estate

Bob Chapman - Financial Survival (!!!) - 05-25-2011
Bob Chapman : do not own any currencies except what you need to live on , do not own any real estate unless there is some special reason why you have to , do not buy any real estate for a minimum of two and a half to three years and that might be the bottom , the worse than that is that we do not how long before it hits the bottom it could be years 8 years , 20 years who knows and you would be stuck with an illiquid asset you do not want to buy anything today , you are lucky if you do not have a house unless it is fully paid , if you have extra money after you bought dehydrated food, buy gold and silver coins ...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold Silver Discount 25 May 2011

Bob Chapman exposes National Inflation Association for the Pump and Dump operation that they are , promoting penny stocks that they have no clue about , Bob Chapman asks you not to a be a sucker and buy in those stocks , the NIA is similar to a back end deal , they come up with good stuff in order to get your email and send you their 'hot stocks' that they have been paid to promote ...

Bob Chapman exposes NIA as a Pump and Dump scam

Bob Chapman - Disc Gold Silver Trading - 05-25-2011

Bob Chapman exposes National Inflation Association for the Pump and Dump operation that they are , promoting penny stocks that they have no clue about , Bob Chapman asks you not to a be a sucker and buy in those stocks , the NIA is similar to a back end deal , they come up with good stuff in order to get your email and send you their 'hot stocks' that they have been paid to promote ...

Bob Chapman - Ringside Politics - 05-23-2011

Bob Chapman : yu have large entities such as Wall Street Banking , Insurance , pharmaceutical companies transnational conglomerates who are major contributors to candidates all of them and with money comes control

Bob Chapman - Anthony Duva Show - 05-23-2011

Bob Chapman you better be in gold and silver related assets not in currencies , Gold outperformed all major currencies , there will a new meeting like Bretton Woods where they will plan a multilateral default and the introduction of a new international world reserve currency or trading unit that should be at least 24percent gold backed , which means that Gold will go a lot higher

They will pull the plug for the economy before December 2011

Bob Chapman on The National Intel Report 24 May 2011

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report - 05-24-2011 Bob Chapman speaks about the likely default of Greece and a possible QE3 soon , They will pull the plug for the economy in September or October according to an unidentified intel source ..

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn is a Rothschild Illuminati billionaire

Freedom Files James Burns  Radio Show (5/19/2011): Bob Chapman  FFw/JB Radio Show (5/19/2011): Bob Chapman : Dominique Strauss-Kahn is related to the Rothschild Illuminati billionaire , the power that be did not want him to create the so called social justice ...he was set up why would a person who pays $3000 a night in a hotel suit attack and rape a black maid from Uganda? bob says that she probably fabricated the story and she was paid to do that ... Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster discussed various issues during the first hour of the Thursday May 19, 2011 episode of the Freedom Files with James Burns Radio Show.

Discount Gold&Silver.Trading - Bob Chapman - May 23, 2011 -

Bob Chapman - May 23, 2011 - Disc.Gold&Silver.Trading
A good day for Gold today , the demonstrations in Spain are not political , unemployment amongst the youths is around 35% says Bob Chapman , there is a real trouble in Europe and it is going to get worse , the young people will not accept any austerity measures , it is not their fault it is the banks fault why should they pay for it , there will be a partial default in Greece , the Euro and Europe will break up in a couple of years , the Euro won't be the next reserve currency the dollar has a good chance to be the world currency again but it is going to be a very rocky road ahead ....

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report - 05-24-2011

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report - 05-24-2011 Bob Chapman speaks about the likely default of Greece and a possible QE3 soon

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold and Silver Trading 23 May 2011

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold and Silver Trading 23 May 2011

Gold & silver have no up limit. Nations are fed up with Federal Reserve System, eager to cut loose from them. Libya being attacked because wanted ditch USD, trade in gold. Zimbabwe wants to trade in gold, see them attacked by NATO soon. MS flooding has ruined 3 million crop acres for summer growing season, 40% of US rice crop destroyed so far.

Bob Chapman Exposed NIA National Inflation Association before Peter Schiff

Bob Chapman  exposed NIA on the CollectorsCoach show way before Peter Schiff did (this video was recorded way back in January 2011)  , Peter Schiff , Peter Schiff recently called NIA a Pump and Dump Operation for penny stocks . NIA is involved in pumping and dumping scam. Bob Chapman's service gives information about what is going on in this world, and why you need to buy and hold physical precious metals. In addition, most of the stocks Bob Chapman recommended did go up, and every penny stock NIA recommended went to ZERO!NIA does come out with sensationalism and then puts out an offer to get in on a good stock for a FEE to do so - the back end selling for a single hot tip is offered for >>1000.00 - 1500.00 << this is for each tip mind you via e-mail and then a deadline time limit offer is placed on it to boot...Beware folks.

The Banks want to bring world government

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 05-24-2011

Bob Chapman : Papandreu of Greece is a little to the left of Mao Tse Dung , the whole country of Greece is on the hook for the Banks , the Banks are crazy all they want is to bring world government says Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster

Monday, May 23, 2011

Greece will Default before bringing the rest of Europe with it

Bob Chapman - Erskine Radio - 05-22-2011

Bob Chapman of the International forecaster says that Greece may default first , that the Maastricht treaty which meant one interest rate fits all was a disaster , the Spaniards are used to violence going back to the civil war , the riots in Spain may spread to Italy and probably all over Europe

Europe will break-up in two years

Bob Chapman - Disc Gold Silver Trading - 05-23-2011

A good day for Gold today , the demonstrations in Spain are not political , unemployment amongst the youths is around 35% says Bob Chapman , there is a real trouble in Europe and it is going to get worse , the young people will not accept any austerity measures , it is not their fault it is the banks fault why should they pay for it , there will be a partial default in Greece , the Euro and Europe will break up in a couple of years , the Euro won't be the next reserve currency the dollar has a good chance to be the world currency again but it is going to be a very rocky road ahead ....

Dominique Strauss-Kahn was set up in New York

Bob Chapman - POWER HOUR -- Joyce Riley - 05-23-2011

Dominique Strauss-Kahn a high ranking Illuminati was set up in New York because he wanted to change the formula of the IMF and he wanted to use the SDR instead of the US Dollar says Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster

The Government will steal your IRA & 401K

Bob Chapman discusses how the Americans are slowly losing their property rights , and becoming slaves to a tyrannical state , the Obama birth certificate is an insult to anybody's intelligence says Bob Chapman , this is the tyranny of the state

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bob Chapman - Erskine Radio - 05-22-2011

Bob Chapman thinks that Greece may default first , that the Maastricht treaty which meant one interest rate fits all was a disaster , the Spaniards are used to violence going back to the civil war , the riots in Spain may spread to Italy and probably all over Europe

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Government will replace your pension with worthless treasuries

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading 20 May 2011

Bob Chapman warns you to get out of your 401Ks and IRAs take delivery of everything pay your taxes and go shop for physical gold and silver bullion , the government is planning to seize your pension and probably replace it with worthless treasuries ...

The silver paper manipulation is criminal. Keep your eye on the ball and go long. Really long. When to buy silver? Whaen you have cash . Pay your bills and then put the rest of your cash into physical silver. This is a "lead pipe cinch."

First Appearance In 10 Years!! Bob Chapman At The Wealth Protection Conference 2011

Bob Chapman of the International forecaster who does not appear in the media very often made an appearance via Skype at the 2011 Wealth Protection Conference in Tempe, AZ which is put on every year by Pat and Linda Gorman, Bob Chapman answered questions from the audience for over an hour, answering questions about Gold silver the currency the overall economic situation of America and the world and much more....

Friday, May 20, 2011

Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show 20 May 2011

Bob Chapman discusses the issues of Obama 's birth certificate , the Soros connection through his media matters , apparently Obama's birth certificate was a bad photoshoped forgery , very unprofessional knowing that the CIA could have made close to perfect forgeries , Bob then speaks about the coming QE3 even if they may do it under another name the Gold rally will continue propelled by the weight of the monetary mass that the FED is too good at creating at the speed of light , we just had a man made correction we probably hit the bottom , Bob 's advise is to continue to buy Gold and Silver physical bullion go long stay long you are in for a nice ride ....

Get out the 401K as soon as possible

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold Silver Trading - 05-20-2011

Bob Chapman : get out 401K as soon as possible , they are gonna take your retirement , they will replace that money with treasuries that won't be worth the paper it is written on , take instead delivery of silver and gold bulion

The US Government owns the COMEX

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty 20 May 2011

Bob Chapman : ...I think the idea of the government , the CME which owns the COMEX and the naked short such as Morgan and HSBC in Silver they decided we just going to take the market down and they got away once with it before , they are not going to get away with it this time ...there should be an investigation , ...the gold and silver market looks like it may have bottomed right now says Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster ....

The IMF was a looting operation since WWII

Bob Chapman - A Marines Disquisition - 05-19-2011

Bob Chapman : the IMF was set up as a looting operation by Wall Street , that's why Dominique Starauss-Kahn got into problems with those in New York because he wanted to make it into a more humanitarian operation by relieving people of some of their debt and not imposing such austerity which has never worked , he also wanted to use the SDR instead of the dollar , Bob Chapman believes that DSK is innocent of the charges and that JPM is behind all of this ....

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The IMF is a looting operation by Wall street

Bob Chapman - American Freedom Radio - 05-19-2011

Bob Chapman : Dominique Strauss Kahn s a french billionaire with an Illuminati family background , the power that be in Washington did not want him to bring some socialist justice into the IMF a looting operation set up by Wall street to loot the world , so he was probably set up , Bob Chapman is a friend with Jean Marie Lepen and his daughter Marine Lepen the leader of a leading far right party in France which has a chance to run in the second turn in the upcoming french presidential elections , this is also one of the reasons why DSK was set up cause he was one of the favorites to lead the socialist party in these presidential elections....

Both Gold and Silver are in Bakwardation

Bob Chapman - Sovereign Economist - 05-18-2011

Bob Chapman Both Gold and Silver are in Bakwardation , people are closing up accounts and demanding delivery ...we have based out at this stage , JPM and HSBC are using derivatives not future to prevent the market from going up

Bob Chapman : Silver will shoot back up

An Update about Silver by Bob Chapman yesterday at the Discount Gold and Silver trading interview , Bob bBelieves that Silver will shoot back up to former highs, this is a good time to be a buyer as is Bob himself

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bob Chapman : good time to buy Gold and Silver

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold and Silver Trading

We are at position now in the gold and silver market here you should be a buyer says Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster ,I have been a buyer this week again he added ...Dominique Strausse Kahn was probably set up for many reason says Bob , because they want the world reserve currency to remain the dollar...

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold Silver Trading - 05-18-2011

Bob Chapman - Disc Gold Silver Trading - 05-18-2011
We are at position now in the gold and silver market here you should be a buyer says Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster ,I have been a buyer this week again he added ...Dominique Strausse Kahn was probably set up for many reason says Bob , because they want the world reserve currency to remain the dollar...

Bob Chapman : The COMEX will lose 30 percent of their business to the HKMEX

Bob Chapman - Sovereign Economist - 05-11-2011

Bob Chapman : ...I think the COMEX will lose 30 percent of their business in the coming months and they will lose the monopoly there gonna be some big changes coming ,

Bob Chapman - Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 05-11-2011

Bob Chapman - with Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 05-11-2011 : gold and silver is the only real money and usually in the aftermath of the events like the catastrophe in Japan their prices tends to get higher but what is happening says Bob Chapman of the international forecaster is that the US Government along with the CME which owns the COMEX they have attacked the whole commodity market , today of all things they have raised the margin requirements on natural gas

Bob Chapman : people like Forbes get away with that stuff

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold Silver Trading 11 May 2011

Bob Chapman : the use of gasoline dropped 2.4 percent in the last month ...the government is trying to get the commodities prices down to help with the inflation people are leaving the stock and bond markets and putting their money over there (in commodities) because they do not trust the government ...silver is down 3 dollars , gold held up reasonably well you can thank your government for rigging the market says bob Chapman of the international forecaster....people like Forbes get away with that stuff because they are members of the Illuminati , Forbes has a dreadful family history that he does not want to hear about ...

Bob Chapman - Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 05-11-2011

Bob Chapman - with Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 05-11-2011 : gold and silver is the only real money and usually in the aftermath of the events like the catastrophe in Japan their prices tends to get higher but what is happening says Bob Chapman of the international forecaster is that the US Government along with the CME which owns the COMEX they have attacked the whole commodity market , today of all things they have raised the margin requirements on natural gas

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report - 05-17-2011

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster with JOHN STADTMILLER in the 'National Intel Report' to discuss current world affairs in this 17th of May 2011 and the Illuminati plans to rob this country and the world dry

Bob Chapman - the Stan Solomon Show - 05-13-2011

Bob Chapman : discusses with Stan Solomon the fact that now under the Obamacare hiring a person now cost you his healthcare and that of each member of his family ...and other issues

Bob Chapman warning about the Perth Mint Silver and Gold Certificates

Bob Chapman is warning against Perth Mint Silver and Gold Certificates , you better either cash out or ask for your physical delivery before you will end up with a worthless piece of paper , Bob Chapman who has been in the business for more than 30 years suspects that they do not have the metal they are claiming....

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bob Chapman - Freedom Files Radio Show (5/12/2011)

Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster discussed various issues during  this Thursday May 12, 2011 episode of the Freedom Files with James Burns Radio Show. JP Morgan Chase Goldman Sachs Citi Group how far these financial terrorists have gone says Bob Chapman of the International forecaster

Bob Chapman : Oil prices will go up

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold Silver Trading - 05-16-2011

Bob Chapman : conflicting stories coming out of Libya as to who doing what to who , hey are supposed to have large demonstrations in Saudi Arabia and I do not like that because if they turn nasty Oil prices are going to go up ...who knows what that thing in the middle east is heading

Bob Chapman - LibertyRoundTable - Sam Bushman - 05-16-2011

Bob Chapman : we just saw the head ofthe IMF french politicians economist and professor Dominique Strauss Kahn has been charged o attempted rape among other things
in a hotel , years ago he tried that on Marine LePen among others finally somebody blowed the whistle on him

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bob Chapman : Market manipulation at its finest

Bob Chapman - Interview Kerry Lutz - 05-12-2011

Bob Chapman : people who are in the stock market should pay attention , The United States Government has been helping to keep the market to go down , the people who run wall street know that there will be a QE3 , the market is going down but Bob Chapman does not know when,

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bob Chapman on discount gold silver trading 13 May 2011

Bob Chapman : JPM and HSBC have covered any of their positions ,in the same time thousands and thousands of complains are going in the exchanges , what you should do is write to members of congress and senate , because if we can get a couple of our representatives interested in this we can get it a long way ....say bob Chapman of the international forecaster...

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bob Chapman on Contrary Investors Cafe 13 May 2011

Bob Chapman of the international forecaster speaks about the sell off of gold and silver , the lasting correction the manipulation of the market by the CME the overall state of the economy and much more ...

Bob Chapman - on The Alex Jones Show 13 May 2011

Bob Chapman : The Financial Powers That Be Are In A Trap of Their Own Making .Bob Chapman is a Beacon of Light. Shine on Bob ! Bob Chapman got some amazing Karate skills

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold Silver Trading 11 May 2011

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold Silver Trading 11 May 2011

Bob Chapman - A Marines Disquisition - 05-12-2011

Bob Chapman - A Marines Disquisition - 05-12-2011

Bob Chapman - Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 05-11-2011

Bob Chapman - Dr. Deagle Nutrimedical Report - 05-11-2011

Bob Chapman - American Freedom Radio - 05-12-2011

Bob Chapman , The International Forecaster discussed various issues during the first hour of the Thursday May 12, 2011 episode of the Freedom Files with James Burns Radio Show. - American Freedom Radio - 05-12-2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bob Chapman - Meria Heller Show - 05-11-2011

Bob Chapman - Meria Heller Show - : the situation in the middle east is not going the way they want it to go , they are making regime changes with a new set of donkeys ...in Libya the Chinese had 30 thousand people working there they were drilling for oil and things like that and they had to pull them out because of what's going on ...let it be a lesson to Americans ..in Syria the regime is shooting the protesters this is what happens to you when you do not have weapons they shoot you down the street

Bob Chapman - The Bankers are robbing Greece

Bob Chapman : ...the reason they were having those secret meetings is because they wanted Greece to collateralize all its debt with everything that they own , this is how arrogant these bankers are , all the mineral rights sea ports airlines airports , 263 airports the gas the electric their buses their trains they left nothing and they do not want to pay ten cent a dollar for the collateral it is a typical robbery ..Papandreu is such an incompetent communist...The Archbishop of the Greece orthodox church is a subscriber (to the international forecaster) and he is not going to let that happen ....

Bob Chapman : The Euro and Europe are in big trouble

Bob Chapman - 3rd Hour Radio Liberty  - 05-09-2011

Bob Chapman : I do not think the Europeans fully understand the gravity of what's going on but the Americans and the people in the rest of the world do not understand either...Greece may do a partial bankruptcy ....Papandreu is a Marxist

Bob Chapman : HSBC is naked short 45 to 1

Bob Chapman interview with Kerry Lutz - 05-05-2011

Bob Chapman : the major exchanges and the two major regulators FTC , CFTC are receiving probably around two thousand complains a day on the rigging of the gold and silver as well as the gold and silver share market ..so the word is getting around that the government is rigging the market ...HSBC are naked short 45 to one they can't cover so at 50 dollars silver they have decided we get this thing down.......Morgan runs the country with the help of Goldman Sachs Citi group etc...


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Bob Chapman : The Americans are the laughing stock of the world

Bob Chapman on National Intel Report 10 May 2011

Bob Chapman : The United States is the laughing stock of the world , we are talking about the American citizens , the world thinks the United States Government is as evil as we think it is , and they hate them they hate the government not the people they think half of them are out of it and that's true , but half the people of every country are out of it so they come up with something like that it is just dumber than dumb , these people are illegal , we do have rules I mean if you go to another country you check in you get a visa you usually check in once a year tell them where you live what's your phone number is and that can go on indefinitely as long as you have money to support yourself...that does not happen in America  people just go into the country cause they feel like it

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report - 05-10-2011

Bob Chapman start at 6:58
Bob Chapman : The United States is the laughing stock of the world , we are talking about the American citizens , the world thinks the United States Government is as evil as we think it is , and they hate them they hate the government not the people they think half of them are out of it and that's true , but half the people of every country are out of it so they come up with something like that it is just dumber than dumb , these people are illegal , we do have rules I mean if you go to another country you check in you get a visa you usually check in once a year tell them where you live what's your phone number is and that can go on indefinitely as long as you have money to support yourself...that does not happen in America  people just go into the country cause they feel like it

Bob Chapman : The HKMEx a way for investors to bypass the COMEX Monopoly

Bob Chapman - Silver Reality Check - 05-09-2011 :
Bob Chapman : well first of all they are small (The HKMEx) because they just starting out , but there are some big hitters in here big time traders and much of the buying silver commodities is coming out of Asia so they're quickly going to take 25 - 35 percent of the business away from COMEX , because the Asians are not going to trade on a rigged exchange if they can help it and so it gives them the avenue , and other people throughout the world will execute in that exchange as well and bypass the monopoly that is United States Government which controls CME and the Comex

Bob Chapman : The HKMEx will end the COMEX Monopoly

Bob Chapman - RADIO LIBERTY - 05-09-2011

Bob Chapman : so what has happened is the CME which controls the COMEX , they increased margin requirements for those who are on margin because they borrow money to buy their positions and the margin was about $9500 they jacked it up 5 times ...they were successfully able to arbitrary blowing all the small and medium size players out of the market , it was total manipulation ...the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange is going to end the COMEX Monopoly

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bob Chapman : the Honk Kong mercantile Exchange HKMEx is starting soon

BOB CHAPMAN - Gonob Radio - 9/MAY/2011

Bob Chapman : Silver and gold have bottom , and even if they did not it does not matter because you know what's coming up the Honk Kong mercantile Exchange HKMEx next Wednesday the 18th they are gonna start trading 1 kilo gold futures a kilo is 32 ounces and you will be able to get delivery and they are going to probably take at least for openers 20 to 30 percent of the business away from the COMEX...

Bob Chapman : The Chinese decided to do something about the Gold Futures market

Bob Chapman - Disc Gold Silver Trading - 05-09-2011

Bob Chapman
: The Chinese and the Asians sick of getting the short end have decided to do something about it in the futures market particularly Gold ...the government via the CME which owns the COMEX futures market they try to do the same thing as they did in the bank hank in 1980 and it's not possible and this is a recap , what they did is they raised margin requirements five times in nine days , highly unusual , ....

Bob Chapman : Silver price setting a bottom here

Bob Chapman - Power Hour - 05-09-2011

Bob Chapman the alleged assassination of Osama could be a set up for a false flag attack Bob Chapman does not believe that this had anything to do with the recent silver market crash , which have been caused by the CME which raised the margin requirements 5 times in nine days

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Bob Chapman : The Government Orchestrated The Silver Sell-Off

Bob Chapman : we got a corporate fascist government a dictatorship , they do what they want , there is only gold and silver related assets where you can put your money into , there is nothing else , eventually the stock market and the bond market is going to go down ...when you find a bottom you buy some more ...
Selling scrap gold could also be an interesting venture in this economic environment. With the current high price of this commodity, it is an ideal time to make the most of it by going through a reputable gold exchange.

Bob Chapman - USA Prepares Economic Survival 101 May 4, 2011

USA Prepares interviews world-renowned economic trend forecaster Bob Chapman
Fidel Castro and Chavez are two of Bob Chapman's newsletter subscribers
Bob Chapman : in August the 15th 1971 the United States government decided that they are going to go off the gold standard and when that happened the fiscal spending became what one might call promiscuous , they started creating more money than they had coming in ...the real cause of inflation is the federal reserve system which is privately owned....

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bob Chapman - World War III has already begun

Bob Chapman - Corbett Report - 05-06-2011

Bob Chapman : the war in Libya was started because of the high quality oil that Libya has its gold reserves and its acquafires and also its relations with China and the fact tha Gaddafi refused to join the Africom , there is an excellente possibility that Word War 3 has already begun says Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster...

Bob Chapman explains the Silver Market Crash

Bob Chapman explains the Silver Market Crash : ...here is what happened JPM JP Morgan Chase , HSBC are naked short on a 45 to one (nine to one is normal) Silver they are naked they can't deliver so they have decided they are gonna drive the price down as far as they could , and what they did , and here remember that Morgan is the biggest share holder in the Federal Reserve Bank , and HSBC Goldman Sachs Citi Group they're all involved , and they're the owners of the FED , they told the CME which owns the COMEX to raise margin requirements never in history have they raised them five times in nine days , now if that's not rigging the market I do not know what it is ...and I have been for 29 years in the brokerage business on top of that what they did is they called all the major commodity brokers and told them they wanted them to recommend that commodities be sold especially gold and silver , and to double the internal margin in their firms ....that wiped out every small investors in commodities and gold and silver and many of the middle sized ones and this is what they did one of the biggest market manipulations of all times , billions of dollars were lost ...

Bob Chapman - Real News Radio - 05-07-2011

Bob Chapman - Real News Radio - 05-07-2011

Bob Chapman : Osama died 10 years ago Benazir Bhutto who was a CIA operative said it in an interview with aljazeera , they want to make Obama look good and improve his rating , it could also be used for another false flag attack to be blamed on Iran and be used as an excuse to attack Iran...

Bob Chapman : the treasury department is rigging the market

Bob Chapman - Sovereign Economist - 05-04-2011

Bob Chapman : the treasury department is rigging the silver market

Bob Chapman : you are dealing with a corporatist fascist government these people from both parties who are paid off , 95% of them are eating and bedding with a group of criminals in a crime syndicates who are nazis this is what you are dealing with ....now what the treasury department did is they had their callers call all the companies that do commodities and brokerage firms and they told them we want you to tell anybody to sell their commodities gold and silver and as well we want you to double the margins that we set up through the CME which is the COMEX and they did it , so we had a wave of selling starting at $44 an ounce of silver down to $41 , this is a conspiracy , they are rigging the market

Friday, May 6, 2011

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading 06 May 2011

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading 06 May 2011

Bob Chapman : we had five increases in the margin requirements , that is unprecedented , The CME was told by the Us Government to do what they did to break the back of the precious metals market , now you have to put up five times as much money as you did 9 days ago and that's not true for the short-side of the market , those shorting have to put two times ...what happened is unprecedented and illegal...
the other market run the risk of collapsing , but not the gold and silver , all markets are rigged


Bob Chapman on a marine Disquisition 5/5/2011[Full]

Bob Chapman : we have Obama unmasked , besides the birth live certificate being a forgery , we have now this operation in Pakistan to kill Osama who was dead about ten years ago according to a pile of intelligence , this can't be this dumb ...there was no sign of fire fighting in the compound where Osama supposedly was living ...

Bob Chapman the US Government rigging the silver market using naked shorting

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold Silver Trading - 05-06-2011

Bob Chapman : The CME was told by the Us Government to do what they did to break the back of the precious metals market , now you have to put up five times as much money as you did 9 days ago and that's not true for the short-side of the market , those shorting have to put two times ...what happened is unprecedented and illegal...
the other market run the risk of collapsing , but not the gold and silver , all markets are rigged

Bob Chapman The CME raised the margin requirements for silver 5 times in 6 days

Bob Chapman - The Free American Hour - 05-06-2011

Bob Chapman : the treasury department sent out people to talk to the heads of brokerage firms that do commodities in a big way and they old them that they anted them to recommend that commodities be sold a the same time the treasury had the CME which owns the COMEX which where the futures are traded gold and silver and beans and corn and so on , they changed the margin requirement that happens from time to time but in six days they changed it 5 times...classic unbelievable illegal manipulation

Bob Chapman : The CME wiped out all the small investors

Bob Chapman : The CME wiped out all the small investors

Bob Chapman : the recent silver pull-back , a total manipulation with arrogance it's incredible they do anything they want to do , they raised margin requirements from $9000 to $21000 in five days ! unheard of !!! then they contacted all the large commodity houses and said we want you to recommend the people get rid of their positions on the long side of the commodities an particularly in gold and silver and we want you to double the margin requirements so the $21000 that would be $42000 , there is no small investor that can handle that so they are all wiped out , the market is totally rigged says bob Chapman of The International Forecaster

Bob Chapman : World War 3 already started

Bob Chapman the whole thing was a set up they are neutralizing the middle eastern leadership before attacking Iran and then Russia and China get involved and here you have the WW3

Bob Chapman - China gets its Oil from Libya

Bob Chapman - A Marines Disquisition - 05-05-2011

Bob Chapman : we have Obama unmasked , besides the birth live certificate being a forgery , we have now this operation in Pakistan to kill Osama who was dead about ten  years ago according to a pile of intelligence , this can't be this dumb ...there was no sign of fire fighting in the compound where Osama supposedly was living ...

Bob Chapman - The Green T Hour - 05-05-2011

Bob Chapman : united States has become a corporate fascist society , Americans are the dumbest people on the face of the earth , we are the laughing stock in the world ...The Pakistanis are in bed with the CIA

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bob Chapman : the CME drove all the small speculators out of the Silver market

Bob Chapman - American Freedom Radio - 05-05-2011

Bob Chapman : The American administration The CIA the military are the laughing stock of the world I mean you should hear the comments that I hear from people all over the world either by email or from programs that I am on , it's a disgrace says Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster , how could anybody in his right mind buy american treasuries or agency securities and they are not , the FED is buying 80 percent of them , what's going on right now in the commodity market is an absolute disgrace the whole thing is rigged , what they did three days ago they raised the margin requirement on silver , they drove all the small speculators out of the market

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Bob Chapman gold and silver looking for a bottom now

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold And Silver Trading 04 May 2011

Bob Chapman : gold and silver looking for a bottom now ,this is a definate attempt to rig the market ... you will see silver run back up next Monday ,...we are living in a corporate fascist society run by a bunch of Nazis , our government and Wall street are full of Nazis says Bob Chapman of the international forecaster they want virtually untouched profits free gain with no regulations no anti trust laws they want to do anything they want to do and as a result of that they create monopolies

Bob Chapman : Wall Street wants a monopoly situation

Bob Chapman - Disc Gold Silver Trading - 05-04-2011

Bob Chapman , we are living in a corporate fascist society run by a bunch of Nazis , our government and Wall street are full of Nazis says Bob Chapman of the international forecaster they want virtually untouched profits free gain with no regulations no anti trust laws they want to do anything they want to do and as a result of that they create monopolies

Bob Chapman : this is the beginning of WW III

Bob Chapman - ONE RADIO NETWORK - 05-04-2011

Bob Chapman : The people who control the government control the news and it is a huge scam , Osmama was dead since December of 2001 and it was verified by several independent sources says Bob Chapman of the international forecaster...the CIA and MI6 control Al-Qaeda and Taliban ...this is the beginning of WWIII they want to take over Pakistan to use as a buffer zone against China and India....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Bob Chapman : JP Morgan Chase , City Group and Goldman Sachs own the FED

Bob Chapman - National Intel Report - FED - Silver Rebound - 05-03-2011

Bob Chapman :  I happy that our government is knocking the price of silver down ...they ( the brokers ) are discouraging investments other than in SLV and GLD and of course in commodities and that's because it's leveraged and they make more commissions , and they don't care whether SLV and GLD go bankrupt or not . The government is controlled by the owners of the FED , they want to get people back to the traditional paper market ....last week silver margins were increased by the CME twice by twenty percent today they raised them again by another thirty percent , which is a psychological factor in this market because most of the people in the market are big hitters , they don't buy three of five contracts they buy three hundreds or five hundreds or three thousands or five thousands that's the kind of market this is ....the CME owns the COMEX and so they are the ones who make the rules and these rules come from the treasury department and of course these people in the exchanges very well know that ..it's easy to identify what they are doing if you've been in the brokerage business for 29 years like I was says Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster , the FED is owned by banks Europeans as well as Americans the biggest share holder is JP Morgan Chase followed by City Group and Goldman Sachs and a host of others and some of them are foreigners , the government is controlled by the owners of the FED they control the treasury

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading 02 May 2011

Bob Chapman starts at around 04:04
Bob Chapman : I have been told the administration through their contacts o Wall Street have them calling big commodity houses and telling them to get rid of their silver positions so that Morgan can cover and that's what this is all about right now , great opportunity to buy , says Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster...

Bob Chapman : Canada has the best regulated market in the world

Bob Chapman - Radio Liberty - 05-02-2011

Bob Chapman : these kind of attacks on the silver market usually last 2 to 3 days and that's it so you can expect a turn in somewhere ...Canada has the best regulated market in the world they respond immediately (to complains) they do thorough legal investigations and they get to the bottom of things , United States forget about it ...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bob Chapman : Silver will break $50 /oz

Bob Chapman - gonob radio - 05-02-2011

Bob Chapman : Benazir Bhutto in 2007 in a public broadcast service said he was dead for seven years and three months later the CIA had somebody put a bullet in the middle of her head I started following the carrier of Bin Laden in 1985 says Bob Chapman of the international forecaster who was working as a US counter intelligence agent , Osama was working working as CIA operative in Pakistan and Afghanistan he was an employee of the CIA , this whole business of Al-Qaeda and Taliban they're all controlled by the CIA and MI6 and MI6 in particular....., Silver will break $50 /oz there is no resistance ...

Bob Chapman - Great opportunity to buy Silver

Bob Chapman - Discount Gold Silver Trading - 05-02-2011

Bob Chapman : I have been told the administration through their contacts o Wall Street have them calling big commodity houses and telling them to get rid of their silver positions so that Morgan can cover and that's what this is all about right now , great opportunity to buy , says Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster

Bob Chapman : Osama died back in 2001

Bob Chapman - gonob radio - 05-02-2011

Bob Chapman : Benazir Bhutto in 2007 in a public broadcast service said he was dead for seven years and three months later the CIA had somebody put a bullet in the middle of her head I started following the carrier of Bin Laden in 1985 says Bob Chapman of the international forecaster who was working as a US counter intelligence agent , Osama was working working as CIA operative in Pakistan and Afghanistan he was an employee of the CIA , this whole business of Al-Qaeda and Taliban they're all controlled by the CIA and MI6 and MI6 in particular.....

Bob Chapman Obama got Osama ?!?!?!

Bob Chapman - Liberty Round Table  "Osama - Story" - 05-02-2011

Bob Chapman : Osama Bin Laden the world's most dangerous man was a CIA Operative , Bob Chapman who was a counterintelligence agent knows his facts , Benazir Bhutto was a recruited agent of the CIA she was killed soon after when she announced (by mistake) on an interview that Osama was dead for a while