Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bob Chapman : The Second Wind for Gold & Silver - Alex Jones Tv

Bob Chapman's Friday Report 2/18/11: The Second Wind for Gold & Silver - Alex Jones Tv

Alex Jones talks with regular Friday guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster about gold & silver rising amid Israeli, Egyptian tensions. Alex takes takes calls and covers the latest news

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bob Chapman QE3 coming Inflation will skyrocket

Bob Chapman  on FFw/JB Radio Show (2/17/2011)

Bob Chapman , The International Forecaster discussed various issues during the first hour of the Thursday February 17, 2011 episode of the Freedom Files with James Burns Radio Show.

Bob Chapman - Gold 8000 and JPM - 02/2011

Bob Chapman - A Marines Disquisition: - Gold 8000 and JPM - 02/2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bob Chapman on The Financial Survival 04 Feb 2011

Bob Chapman on The Financial Survival 04 Feb 2011

Bob Chapman.....The Global Depression.....The Alex Jones Show.....2-4-2011

Bob Chapman talks about current global economic and political events.
Bail out of your IRAs or (in Canada) your RRSP's / LRSP's . If the U.S. started printing $1000,000.00 notes, they could technically pay their debt off and call it's just paper after all.....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bob Chapman on Egypt Riots - The Collectorscoach 2/2/2011

Bob Chapman on The Collectorscoach 2/2/2011

Bob Chapman on The Egypt Riots they were planned in Washington and London , they are being used as a diversion from the real financial problems in the states and municipalities in the US and also the problems in Europe which are monumental...

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Feb 02 2011

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Feb 02 2011

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bob Chapman Gold and Silver have bottomed

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Jan 31 2011

Bob Chapman: Gold confiscations? IRA Confiscations? 1/26/2011

Bob Chapman answers a listener "Do you think they are going to make
gold illegal again?" there is less than 2% of the Americans who own any kind of gold except jewelery , less than 1% of the Americans own any gold shares , so it is not worthwhile for them to confiscate gold and get the public mad at them says Bob Chapman the International Forecaster ....