Friday, December 31, 2010

Bob Chapman Outlook for 2011 - Alex Jones TV

Alex Jones & Bob Chapman's 2011 Outlook: Total Dollar Devaluation, and Further Loss of Liberties

Alex also talks with regular Friday guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster. Alex will be on the air for four hours today in a special show on this last day of 2010. He also covers the news and takes your calls.

Bernanke both author and critic of quantitative easing, the latest bogus statistics, gold moving higher, hiding behind incompetence in the system, housing sales up but far from healthy, FCC taking over the internet.

2011 the year of the Economic Collapse - Bob Chapman - December 30, 2010

FFw/JB Radio Show (12/30/2010): Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster, discussed a variety of topics during the first hour of the Thursday December 30, 2010 episode of the Freedom Files with James Burns Radio Show.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bob Chapman : all of Europe is bankrupt,

Bob Chapman on A Marines Disquisition December 23, 2010

Bob Chapman, of the International Forecaster steps to the Mic discussing the financial Market around the world, How Toos to protect your assets & INVEST WISELY,

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bob Chapman interview - TPTB Manipulation - Republic Broadcasting 2010/12/23

Bob Chapman interview - TPTB Manipulation - Republic Broadcasting 2010/12/23

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster stated today that the real unemployment rate in America is over 22%. The banks are out of money, but paid-for politicians continue to pass legislation that requires funding so the Fed continues to print dollars.
1 – Official Unemployment is wrong…

2 – Gold Prices and Silver Prices are skewed…

3 – Banks that are Too Big to Fail have fallen… The Bail-Outs have helped the banks, but many of these banks refuse to assist Small Business and Americans.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Bob Chapman : The US Government wants a second Korean War

FFw/JB Radio Show : Bob Chapman (12/23/2010)

Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster, discussed a variety of topics during the first hour of the Thursday December 23, 2010 episode of the Freedom Files with James Burns Radio Show.
Bob Chapman : The US Government wants a second Korean War

Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Intel Hub Radio with Special Guests Bob Chapman and James Walbert

The Intel Hub Radio with Shepard Ambellas. The show is live Sunday at 5pm est with special guests Bob Chapman and James Walbert on secret RFID implants.
Is the economy about to collapse?
Are American citizens being secretly implanted with RFID Chips?

Iceland Showing The Way Out of Bankers Clutches 13 - 12 - 2010

Iceland Showing The Way Out of Bankers Clutches 13 - 12 - 2010

Time Out: Bob Chapman 10 December 2010

Time Out Productions presents the December 2010 update with Bob Chapman. Mr. Chapman is the publisher, writer and editor of the International Forecaster.

Covered on the program are various current issues such as the naked body scanners in the airports, the criminal "enhanced" pat downs, the Europeon markets and much more.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Alex Jones & Bob Chapman: A Scientific Eugenics Elite That Believe They are God!

Alex & Bob discuss the many faces and races that run the Nwo.
 the British empire and Inter-Alpha Group of banks run more than anyone. But even they will fall soon.

Bob Chapman Euro will be history within a year and Spain will default

FFw/JB Radio Show (12/16/2010): Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster, discussed a variety of topics during the first hour of the Thursday December 16, 2010 episode of the Freedom Files with James Burns Radio Show.

People who complain too much will be considered enemy combatants or Terrorists and then they will be jailed or killed. We as a Nation let it get this far and now we are screwed. We lost and they won and unless you live the anarchist life style, they own you. Merry Christmas.

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Dec 13 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Dec 13 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010



Video Of Greek Riot Violence:

And to think that six months ago images of rioters throwing gasoline bombs at the police were enough to get Waddell and Reed to sell 20 ES contracts...

All you Americans out there that do not believe your government will move in on your pension plans just take a look at these facts. In 1997, the UK's Labor government abolished the dividend tax credit for pension funds, which cost pensioners $157 billion.

Just last month the French Parliament agreed to transfer assets of the French pension fund from equities to cash and government bonds.

In Ireland, their PM agreed to take half of the National Pension Reserve fund of $16.5 billion and apply it to the IMF-EU bank bailout. These funds are to be used as a backup to the bank rescue package.

Recently Hungary announced the nationalization of assets and contributions into the country's supplementary "private pension scheme." The funds will go into government bonds to help meet the budget deficit targets of its IMF-EU bailout.

In 2008, Argentina set the precedent, when $30 billion of assets in the country's ten "private" pension funds, were nationalized.

Estonia has cut state contributions into private sector pension schemes, while Poland is considering similar action.

These events are not fantasy, but reality. The UK government is currently eyeing the pension assets of the Royal Mail of some $30 billion. In England, it is believed a government guarantee would be next to worthless and a partial default on pensions and welfare are inevitable. England is close to broke having bailed out its banks.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty 12-06-10

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty Ben Bernanke Our Economy and the world ....

crash jp morgan buy silver : JP Morgan is short 3,5 billion oz silver, CFTC does nothing

Bob Chapman on Goldseek Radio
JP naked 3.3bil oz silver.The financial system that is terrorizing the world is a direct out growth of the Venetians and Vatican...the roots go that far back and that deep.CFTC - the same financial terrorist as JP Morgan

Bob Chapman is a guest so frequently on all of these shows that his appearance is not an interview! but as a friend hanging out! Yo will note that this is more like a conversation....That is becasue it is not an interview! Great show as always.

Bob Chapman on Freedomlink Radio 12/9/2010

Bob Chapman talks about the state of the economy and breaches the subject of Amb. Leo Wanta and the theft of $27.5 trillion dollars. It's a fascinating story that people need to be more aware of. The Freedomlink Radio team will be putting together a website devoted to informing the public about Amb. Wanta, what he did, and how he is now being supressed and attacked because of what he knows... A great story indeed!

The Consequences of Excessive Money and Debt

An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
December 11 2010: Euro zone close to the edge, Germany resists, Europe stuggles with bailouts, quantitative easing must end, a deflationary depression must be accepted, more questions than answers at the Fed, fragile housing market

Believe it or not the euro zone and European Union crisis is still in the formative stages. The bailout packages arranged for Greece and Ireland are not to bail out those two countries, but to bail out the European banks that lent to them and bought their bonds when it was imprudent to do so. They knew, because they control the governments that the public of the solvent governments would bail them out. Thus, the governments of Ireland and Greece with Portugal and Spain to follow will be showered with an Anglo-American style bailout. As you know $1 trillion won’t be enough to make the banks happy, so $3 trillion will be needed. Germany says no we are not going to do that. Well, we’ll see just who the real masters of Germany are. Such policy flies in the face of German culture. It shows you though how close to the edge Europe and its euro zone really is. Germany understands, but the rest of Europe, particularly the PIIGS are in denial. The IMF has its nose under the blanket. It will lend and participate, so that it can serve its masters by keeping these wayward states completely in austerity and bondage for the next 50 years and in that process relieve them of their sovereignty. As all of Europe belatedly understands, one interest rate can never fit all.
We can assure you that the euro zone is on the edge of collapse. It’s just a question of when. Nothing has been contained nor can it be contained. Like in the US the taxpayers of the solvent countries must bail out the banks and other financial institutions of Europe. The monetary policy created by the European Central Bank and the bankers has failed. Whether this was deliberate or not, we do not as yet know, but the truth will eventually surface. Currently the scapegoats are the citizens of these beleaguered countries, when in fact the real malefactors reside at the ECB and the European Parliament. These same players still do not have solutions other than destroying the Greek and Irish societies in the name of repaying the bankers. Whether you realize it or not, it has been a year since this odyssey began in Greece. We now have Ireland and they will be followed by Portugal and Spain and perhaps even Italy.

read more >>>

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dr Deagle Show - BOB CHAPMAN 08 Dec 2010

Dr Deagle Show 101208 - BOB CHAPMAN

Bob Chapman wrote on The International Forecaster of the 11TH 2010 :"....The main battlefield that will decide the outcome will be Spain due to its size and its persistent claim that Spanish banks are very solvent, which is symptomatic of denial. Mr. Zapatero tells us the Spanish debt crisis has passed. Our question, is he dumb, naive or a liar? How could he be so out of touch with reality? He blames Greece and Ireland for the euro zone’s problems as if Spain was a victim of theirs and blameless. Mr. Zapatero’s leadership is simply idiotic. This incompetent is shepherding his people toward financial disaster and servitude. Their real problem is the euro, the euro zone, the ECB, the EU and those who have allowed Europe to be led into a financial and economic trap. Germany, the euro zone powerhouse, doesn’t want the euro or the EU and has never wanted them. They have been it shoved down their throats, because they lost WWII. This is also why Germany was forced to merge Eastern Germany into Western Germany under such horrible terms. Germany is sick of being used as a punching bag and they want out of both. In addition, the cost of staying in the euro is already unacceptable. Any further higher costs could lead to insolvency of currently stable countries such as Germany. Then there are the social issues. Germans expect other countries to work as hard as they do. That has not been the case and will never be the case, so they no longer want to continue to support them. Some say, the withdrawal from the euro will be too traumatic to contemplate. We say concerns regarding bankruptcy would be far more painful. A reflection of that are Germany’s recent failed auctions. Buyers are only taking 20% of the offering. We interpret that as fear that Germany will financially injure itself if it has to continue bailing out failed euro zone members. ..."

Friday, December 10, 2010

Bob Chapman Friday Economic Report: Corporatist Fascism - Alex Jones Tv

Bob Chapman, publisher of the International Forecaster. Alex also covers the news and takes your calls.
Bob is really good at forecasting the market Always good to hear from someone so well versed in "Conspiracy FACTS" Bob is always right on the money and everything else...!


FFw/JB Radio Show : Bob Chapman 12/9/2010

Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster, was on during the first hour of the Thursday December 9, 2010 episode of the Freedom Files with James Burns Radio Show

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bob Chapman on Freedomizer Radio with Proof Negative & Youna 07 Dec. 2010

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster on the Proof Negative Show 12/7/10

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of the 8th December 2010 about Europe :".....Europe is worse than it has ever been in spite of so-called rescues. While on radio and TV and in the press in Greece, England, Ireland, France and Germany, we told listeners long ago that the only way for Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain to go was via default, leave the euro, bring back their old currencies at low levels and leave the euro zone as they cut domestic spending by 1/3 and raise taxes slowly. That way they would have a five-year depression. By taking a bailout they will be slaves of the banks for the next 30 to 50 years. These are the banks that should have never made the loans and bought the bonds in the first place, because they knew it was imprudent, and that the funds for these purchases in part were created out of thin air. All that is being done for Greece and Ireland is that governments are lending them money, so these countries can pay off the banks, so the banks won’t go under. As you can see there is no exit strategy in the US or Europe. They are all entrapped in Keynesianism, which we believe is no more or less than corporatist fascism...."

The Public Should Not Pay For Policymakers Mistakes

An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
December 8 2010: Policy makers work to delay, Gold and Silver movements, no rescues for Europe, Bernanke has no exit strategy, Inflation predictions, Fed crushes defaulting homeowners, economy barely expanding.

Policy makers within the Treasury and the Fed are only interested in delaying and extending the timeline trying to find and extricate themselves from one of the most dangerous fiscal and monetary failures of all time. They know they and their controllers have no solution. QE1 and QE2 have temporally saved them financially, but have not saved any economy, especially the American economy. In addition it has added to the severity of the crisis.

As a result gold, silver and commodities have traded higher over the past few years, albeit in a rollercoaster fashion, as a result of de-leveraging, a once in a century event. Foreign and domestic markets have remained relatively high due to the large liquidity injections of the period. That means without continued liquidity they could be in serious trouble. In addition in the US the real estate markets have not yet hit bottom, unemployment is high and will eventually go higher. As Keynes said you can’t have a recovery unless employment increases and we have some 20 major countries on the edge of insolvency. Those problems are worsening and that is borne out by the ECBs decision to restart its version of QE2. The main players know what they are doing is not going to work. Just look at the monetary policy of the last three years. It bailed out the financial sectors, allowed giant bonuses to be handed out to the people responsible for the debacle and we saw only a few crumbs thrown to the public. In the US the government extended the real estate failure by having Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae and FHA engage in a new round of subprime and ALT-A mortgages. Trillions were thrown into a market that has become an even worse basket case than it was if that was possible.
read more >>>>

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Greg Howard and Bob Chapman on The Stan Solomon Show 8th Dec

Greg Howard and Bob Chapman on The Stan Solomon Show

Bob Chapman on The National Intel Report 7th Dec 2010

Stadtmiller and Bob Chapman on Republic Broadcasting Network Radio.

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of the 4th December 2010 :"....It is normal for a world reserve currency such as the dollar to be backed 25% by gold. As you all know that has not been the case since August 15, 1971. Over the 39-year period since then debt has risen exponentially, almost to the point of insanity. The world will awaken in time but the cost for not listening will be dreadful. This is why over the next several years gold will easily go to $7,700 an ounce or higher and silver will range between $100 and $500 an ounce. Remember, gold is the only real money and it does not owe anyone anything. For those of you who do not know it gold has been used as money, along with silver for 6,000 years. Do the elitists really think they can beat that kind of track record? We do not think so...."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bob Chapman : do not buy Real Estate anywhere in the world

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Dec 06 2010

Bob Chapman : do not Invest in Real Estate anywhere in the world , unless you need it for yourself and stay away from foreign currencies all currencies , invest instead in Gold and Silver ....

The International Forecaster With Frank Underhill !

Coach Talks: International Forecaster With Frank Underhill!

Bob Chapman wrote in the International forecaster of the 4th December 2010 :"....The failure of the international financial system and the inability of elitists to control it leave them open to loss and exposure of what they have been up too. Socialism in Europe was supposed to provide the gateway for a one-world government and banking system. It looks like their concept at least for now isn’t working out very well. In addition to trouble in banking and government the cost of maintaining the welfare state are now beyond Europe’s ability to pay. Demographics need to improve and that is not going to improve anytime soon. This factor alone guarantees the collapse of their welfare systems. The same is true for the US and Japan. In addition the German burden of carrying Europe cannot go on indefinitely, otherwise either German workers will revolt or Germany will financially collapse...."

Monday, December 6, 2010

Bob Chapman on A Marines Disquisition Dec 02, 2010

Bob Chapman on A Marines Disquisition December 02, 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of the 4th Dec 2010 :"...Many of you have IRAs and 401Ks, which we have said your government would like to get their hands on. They are not going to stop pursuing these savings, so you have to act before they do. The government desperately needs that $6 trillion. These funds are at risk, even if all you have in these vehicles are only gold and silver coins or shares. If legislation is passed confiscating these assets and you are given a government guarantee on return, you end up with 100% of nothing. Based on that IRAs and 401Ks should be systematically liquidated with an eye toward tax consequences and penalties. Those who refuse to do so will suffer grievous losses...."

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Elitists Leading On An Odyssey Of Economic Ruin

An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
December 4 2010: Prices to continue to rise, dollar devaluation threat, and a major loss of buying power is to come, Europe papers over the mess, housing bottom soon to appear, job cuts,

The price of commodities, particularly food and petroleum products, will be higher in the coming year, which will strain budgets more than ever for those who still have jobs. Unemployment will not get appreciably better and government debt will rise. Government is talking about raising the Social Security retirement age by three years, freezing payments and offering government guaranteed annuities in exchange for those of you that do have retirement plans. Two-thirds of those in and about to retire have only Social Security for 50% of their income. The money collected since 1935 is all gone, having been spent by past politicians. In fact, if you put all present and future commitments together you have a debt of $105 trillion.

The US wants to avoid default and devaluation of the dollar. They can raise taxes, cut spending or default on their Social Security and Medicare commitments, and commandeer personal retirement plans. In whole, or in part, these are options for government. If they cannot manage these changes then the Fed will have to increase money and credit, which is now euphemistically labeled quantitative easing. The powers behind government have looted the system perpetually, but particularly since August 15,1971, when the gold standard was abandoned and the result of this gutting and its consequences is about to manifest itself. Unemployment refuses to fall and little is being done to improve the situation. This year five million American workers lost extended unemployment benefits, as Wall Street, bailed out with taxpayer’s loans, is showering their employees with hundreds of billions of dollars in bonuses. There is no question these are the seeds of which revolution is born. We can as a result expect demonstrations and unrest, as we are now seeing in Europe, which could end up in rioting and other antisocial behavior.
read entire article >>>>>

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bob Chapman on Goldseek Radio 03 Dec 2010

Bob Chapman on Goldseek Radio 03 Dec 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in the International forecaster of the 4th December 2010:"....Many of you have IRAs and 401Ks, which we have said your government would like to get their hands on. They are not going to stop pursuing these savings, so you have to act before they do. The government desperately needs that $6 trillion. These funds are at risk, even if all you have in these vehicles are only gold and silver coins or shares. If legislation is passed confiscating these assets and you are given a government guarantee on return, you end up with 100% of nothing. Based on that IRAs and 401Ks should be systematically liquidated with an eye toward tax consequences and penalties. Those who refuse to do so will suffer grievous losses...."

Bob Chapman Friday Economic Report: Fed Wealth Grows While Others Drown In Debt

Bob Chapman Friday Economic Report: Fed Wealth Grows While Others Drown In Debt

December 1 2010: The Fed grows richer at our expense, Wikileaks news links, desperate things for desperate people, the clarion call of gold, black friday unremarkable, countries drown in the debt of other countries. The Federal Reserve's balance sheet grew a 4th straight week to $2,328 trillion, up $31 billion in a week. In May the balance sheet was $2,333 trillion.

Holdings of government securities totaled $901.24 billion, and rose $27.62 billion. Mortgage holdings were unchanged and Agency holdings fell slightly.

It might interest you to know that over the past seven years federal debt has doubled to almost $14 trillion. That is more than $100,000 for every American household.

It should be noted that combined expenditures on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are projected to account for 45% of primary federal spending. That is a rise equal to 62% of GDP to 185% in 2035. 70% of US Treasuries are held by private investors and once they start to realize the US is really broke the game is over.

On a European note, Germany cannot keep paying for bailouts without going bankrupt itself. Germany is drowning in the debt of other countries.

Assets under management in commodities hit a record high of $340 billion in October.

A very important event is that China and Russia are going to quit using the US dollar. This is big news. In spite of the current USDX dollar rally it will reduce demand for dollars and expedite the dollar's demise. Once the dollar rally, induced by European problems is over, the dollar should take out 74 on the USDX. Current US insolvency is being ignored as the five-euro zone PIGGS get gored.

In addition, we wonder whether even the strongest country, Germany, can survive the onslaught of the 5 PIIGS and their financial problems. The Germany people are very upset that they have to bail out these Club Med countries. The US has the same problem with large liberal states with vast amounts of illegal aliens that are broke and will have to depend on the federal government for perpetual funding. Accompanying that funding will come further Federal control.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Bob Chapman on Freeamerican Radio

will be putting a $250 dollar check in the mail to 58 million Social Security
recipients. Democrats plan to vote early in the lame-duck session on a bill that would provide Social Security recipients with a one-time payment, according to the office of Earl Pomeroy, a Democrat from North Dakota who authored the legislation. The bill -- with a total cost of roughly $14 billion -- is designed to make up for another year without an increase in Social Security benefits. In this show Bob outlines the war we are in with the International Banksters and the importance of shows like this. Go to and make a donation.

Bob Chapman, Greg Howard on The Stan Solomon Show 1st Dec

Bob Chapman and Greg Howard on the Stan Solomon Show
conservative political network 1st Dec 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bob Chapman with Melody Cedarstrom of Financial Survival 29 Nov 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Nov 29 2010

Bob Chapman with Melody Cedarstrom of Financial Survivavl 29 Nov 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in the international forecaster of the 1st Dec 2010 "....A very important event is that China and Russia are going to quit using the US dollar. This is big news. In spite of the current USDX dollar rally it will reduce demand for dollars and expedite the dollar’s demise. Once the dollar rally, induced by European problems is over, the dollar should take out 74 on the USDX. Current US insolvency is being ignored as the five-euro zone PIGGS get gored.

In addition, we wonder whether even the strongest country, Germany, can survive the onslaught of the 5 PIGGS and their financial problems. The Germany people are very upset that they have to bail out these Club Med countries. The US has the same problem with large liberal states with vast amounts of illegal aliens that are broke and will have to depend on the federal government for perpetual funding. Accompanying that funding will come further Federal control...."

Fed Wealth Grows While Others Drown In Debt

An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
December 1 2010: The Fed grows richer at our expense, Wikileaks news links, desperate things for desperate people, the clarion call of gold, black friday unremarkable, countries drown in the debt of other countries.

The Federal Reserve’s balance sheet grew a 4th straight week to $2,328 trillion, up $31 billion in a week. In May the balance sheet was $2,333 trillion.

Holdings of government securities totaled $901.24 billion, and rose $27.62 billion. Mortgage holdings were unchanged and Agency holdings fell slightly.
read more >>>>

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bob Chapman : The Euro will collapse just a matter of time

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty 29 Nov 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of the 1st December 2010 : "....On a European note, Germany cannot keep paying for bailouts without going bankrupt itself. Germany is drowning in the debt of other countries.

Assets under management in commodities hit a record high of $340 billion in October.

A very important event is that China and Russia are going to quit using the US dollar. This is big news. In spite of the current USDX dollar rally it will reduce demand for dollars and expedite the dollar’s demise. Once the dollar rally, induced by European problems is over, the dollar should take out 74 on the USDX. Current US insolvency is being ignored as the five-euro zone PIGGS get gored...." etc...

Bob Chapman on The National Intel Report - 30th Nov

Johm Stadtmiller and Bob Chapman, Intel Report .There is no doubt that national paper currencies are collapsing.It is a good idea to put some of your savings into both gold and silver. Most folk lack the information required to make a sound decision on buying Gold, You cannot afford to let this happen to you!
Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of the 27th November 2010 :"...If QE2 is terminated at $600 billion watch out, because the economy will head straight into a great dark pit. All the numbers we see are signaling a strong need for more than $600 billion...."

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

World At A Boil With War And Economic Crisis

An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
November 27 2010: Koreas prepare for war, Fed beyond point of no return, silver manipulation charges, Ireland in economic collapse, pondering foreclosuregate, more Madoff fallout, TSA patdowns despised,

There is no question that the world is at a boil. Germany is drawing anger; N. Korea has attacked S. Korea; flaying about the FED’s Mr. Bernanke blames China for America’s sad economic and financial dilemma; five suits, class action and RICO, have been filed against JPMorgan Chase and HSBC for having manipulated silver prices and class actions are rumored to be in process for naked shorting, which has been rampant in the market for years, a felony hedge fund investigation of insider trading, which the SEC has absolutely refused to pursue. The US is still occupying Iraq and has a war raging in Afghanistan to protect the opium and marijuana crops, the largest in the world, which generate $300 billion in profits a year. Socialists, having recently relinquished power in the US House of Representatives are calling Republicans an axis of depression. The socialist, what they cannot control, they attempt to destroy. It reminds us of Italy’s communists.

The New Fed policy of QE2 is considered by US detractors to be a step too far. The Fed has entered the inner sanctum of realm of no return. If QE 2 and a hidden QE3 don’t work, then the monetary game is over. The Fed is in a desperate position and instead of letting depression take its course, the groundwork of which was caused by the Fed, Wall Street and banking, it is again rolling the dice intent on extending and buying time. If the Fed and its owners refuse to bite the bullet great inflation will ensue dependent on the size of QE2. If it were to stay at $600 billion inflation would increase. If the Fed is forced to increase the injection to more than $2 trillion there will be far more inflation. Unfortunately, we cannot depend on government statistics because government has a track record and propensity for masking the truth. There are those that believe that this is a monetary experiment and that it is not. What we are seeing has been tried in different forms for centuries, quite unsuccessfully. As a result, to thinking people, the Fed and Mr. Bernanke have lost most of their credibility, and that view is justified. Mr. Bernanke’s recent reference to “rebalancing the global economy” is just another effort to justify current monetary policy. What Mr. Bernanke is really advocating is a world balancing where countries with surpluses use those funds to assist those with deficits. He wants a global village where interests of individual countries must reflect the interests of the global economy as a whole. Of course, nowhere to be found is sovereignty in this planned redistribution of assets.
read more >>>>>

Monday, November 29, 2010

Bob Chapman Silver should be over $50 already

Bob Chapman on the Sovereign Economist 24 Nov 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of the 27th 2010 "...In the US aggregate household net worth is $12.2 trillion lower today than it was three years ago at its pre-depression peak, a horrible decline of 18.5%, all in order to bring about the conditions to implement world government. That is about $100,000 per household. That money is never coming back nor is what was once known as the American dream and way of life. Baby boomers see it coming and denial is grudgingly becoming acceptance. The ratio of household net worth to disposable personal income has gone from 639% to 472% and it is still plunging. The savings rate, out of fear has risen from minus 0.5% to 5.5%, but still has to double from here to help get the economy going again. At the same time the Fed and Treasury are telling Americans to take on more debt. Homeowners equity has collapsed below $7 trillion from $13.5 trillion, making the situation worse – employment is off 7.5 million and full-time jobs are off 10 million, the worst numbers in 11 years. Real unemployment is 22-5/8%...."

Bob Chapman on Silver market manipulation

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver talking about silver market maipulation.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bob Chapman : mass immigration from the third world used to destroy the west

Bob Chapman, former US intelligence officer, expert on international affairs, stockbroker and at one time the worlds largest gold trader, describes how mass immigration from the third world is being used to destroy western civilization.

Bob Chapman on Gold Investing

Bob Chapman on Gold Investing (15-Oct-10)(2-8)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Bob Chapman Inflation is coming

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Nov 24 2010

Currency Warfare, Trade Barriers, The People it Hurts

Currency Warfare, Trade Barriers, The People it Hurts
An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
November 24 2010:

A frayed social net, foreclosure crises caused by banks, few jobs available, standards of living to fall, Open currency warfare, FBI finds more insider trading, Bernanke and quantitative easing, toxic economy still poisoning the system.
The social net has become a bit more frayed. Soon extended unemployment benefits will cease and 2 million Americans will have to dip into their savings, if they have any. This is an outgrowth of the effects of free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing. We have lost 8.5 million jobs over the last ten years to this destructive process. We have seen more than 42,000 manufacturing plants leave the country as well. There are now more than 17 million Americans unemployed and the U6 official government unemployment figures 17%. If you remove the bogus birth/death ration, the real figure is 22-5/8%. Over that ten-year period we have lost about 5.5 million manufacturing jobs or about 1/3rd of that labor force. As recent as 1985, 25% of output was in manufacturing, now it is close to 11%. America’s physical infrastructure is in a shambles, so that transnational conglomerates can bring us cheap goods to suppress inflation and bring these companies mega-profits, which they keep stored offshore to bypass taxation. They presently have $1.7 trillion in such profits.
read more >>>>

Bob Chapman Forecast for 2011

Bob Chapman Forecast for 2011 Gold and silver all the way

Thursday, November 25, 2010

John Stadtmiller - Bob Chapman, Roundtable 2010.11.23

John Stadtmiller 2010.11.23 - Bob Chapman, Roundtable

John Stadtmiller Nov 23 2010 - Jeff Bennett,Bob Chapman- Roundtable - Commercial Free

John hosts a weekly financial round table with Jeff Bennett and Bob Chapman. Some have said this is the best two hours in radio.

John and Bob in both hours and Jeff makes a very brief appearance in the second hour. I listened to some of it, they mentioned over 800 banks closing.

John Stadtmiller, one of America’s true radio trailblazers with his early creation of “Republic International” (later renamed “Genesis Communications Network”), and now the “Republic Broadcasting Network”, the fastest growing truth radio station in the country.

John’s “National Intel Report” is hard hitting and to the point with information you won’t find in the mainstream media. If you believe the Constitution is the law of the land, but sense that something is seriously wrong in our country, then listen to the “National Intel Report” for the best guests, news and information!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bob Chapman The FED and the Dollar going down just a matter of time

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty 22 Nov 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in the International forecaster of the 24th November 2010 :"...The social net has become a bit more frayed. Soon extended unemployment benefits will cease and 2 million Americans will have to dip into their savings, if they have any. This is an outgrowth of the effects of free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing. We have lost 8.5 million jobs over the last ten years to this destructive process. We have seen more than 42,000 manufacturing plants leave the country as well. There are now more than 17 million Americans unemployed and the U6 official government unemployment figures 17%. If you remove the bogus birth/death ration, the real figure is 22-5/8%. Over that ten-year period we have lost about 5.5 million manufacturing jobs or about 1/3rd of that labor force. As recent as 1985, 25% of output was in manufacturing, now it is close to 11%. America’s physical infrastructure is in a shambles, so that transnational conglomerates can bring us cheap goods to suppress inflation and bring these companies mega-profits, which they keep stored offshore to bypass taxation. They presently have $1.7 trillion in such profits....."

Patriot Radio News Hour: America Trending Towards and Inflationary Economic Depression

Monday, October 04, 2010
By: Bob Chapman -
There is no question that those who control our government from behind the scenes are bound and determined to take over the $6 trillion in private pension plans. Whether they'll be successful remains to be seen. The Department of Labor wants to force all IRA's and 401k's into the arms of a corporate fascist government, that knows better what is good for you, than you do. You would exchange your hard earned investments for a guaranteed, government annuity that is not worth the paper it is written on.
We have been writing about this for more than a year, but as usual few are listening. People say the government won't and can't do that. Government can do anything it wants.

Bob Chapman : TSA Molestations is psychological warfare against the Americans

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Nov 22 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of the 17th November 2010 :"...Most companies have laid off as many workers as they dare too and will lay off more as revenues continue to fall. Investors believe that $600 billions in QE2 will make things lots better. The economy, again, is not being targeted. What is being targeted again is the financial sector, particularly the stock market. Those who own the Fed and those within that system must be saved. The market has to be saved because if it is not the last vestiges of personal wealth will disappear. If that happens the middle class and retirees will go ballistic and into panic...."

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Bob Chapman : Crash JP Morgan - buy silver

Bob Chapman team-up with Eminem against JP Morgan.

Bob Chapman was on Financial Survival 11/19/2010 discussing Max Keiser's campaign for people to Crash JP Morgan and buy Physical Silver

Monday, November 22, 2010

Crisis of Fiat Currencies: US Dollar Surpluses Converted into Gold

Bob Chapman
The International Forecster
November 22, 2010
Something is going on that your government does not want you to know about. Very few journalists have written about it and little or nothing has appeared in the mainstream media. The story could be one of major stories of our time.
Western powers have tried to destroy gold as a backing for currencies for many years. Presently the major media won’t touch the story and that is understandable.

Something we have been writing about for years is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization known as SCO. Few have been listening and few have been interested in what their mission is and what they have been up to.
read full article >>>>

Bob Chapman on the Stan Solomon Show

Bob Chapman on the Stan Solomon Show
conservative political network

Bob Chapman - The truth about Foreclosure Fraud

Bob Chapman - The truth about Forclosure Fraud (7-Oct-10)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bob Chapman on the Sovereign Economist 17 Nov 2010

Bob Chapman on the Sovereign Economist 17 Nov 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in The International forecaster of the 17th November 2010 :..."..QE2 will need an equal amount if not more. This is not wealth creation that we saw over the past 30 years. This is a rear-guard action in an attempt to save a dying system based on Keynesian economics, which is nothing less than a plan for corporatist fascist government. Totally monetizing government debt is not the answer and that in part is what this is all about. It is feel good psychology for the public with some other goodies thrown in for good measure, such as a couple of new inexpensive government programs thrown in for $100 billion or so, an extension of unemployment benefits and a continuation of the Bush tax cuts. They will increase the public’s comfort zone and keep the unemployed at bay – at least for now. The stock market the Fed is trying to save is rife with corruption, so much so that investors are leaving in droves. As a price for keeping the market going at a high level the SEC and CFTC turn a blind eye to blatant wrong doing in the form of naked shorting and flash trading, which is front running. These criminals are being allowed to run loose in our markets, particularly hedge funds. We see complaint after complaint after complaint in the thousands totally ignored and if you challenge either agency your problem gets worse. We have seen it first hand, and there is no longer anyone there to defend and protect you. How can investors risk their funds in such an environment, run by a criminal syndicate? Don’t forget we spent 28 years on Wall Street, so we know what they are up too and what we are dealing with...."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bob Chapman Friday Economic Report: Gold Silver And Commodities Likely Safer

Alex Jones talks with regular Friday guest, Bob Chapman, of the International Forecaster. Alex covers the latest news and takes your calls. Oil can burn us badly, no wealth creation, not a good time to raise taxes, the time is now to discuss the antidote, Senate gridlock ahead, bears making lemons out of lemonade. Social Security adjustment in the mail.

Crash JP Morgan buy silver

$200 Silver and "Crash JP Morgan & HSBC buy silver" says Bob Chapman

"Crash JP Morgan buy silver" movement is growing in leaps and bounds...DON'T believe me?...just Google "crash JP Morgan buy silver" and watch all results.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Nov 17 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver Trading Nov 17 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in the International forcaster of November 17 2010: ....
There is no doubt higher oil prices are going to increase costs for all sectors of the economy and negatively affect earnings. If that is going to be the case growth for the current year has to be negatively affected. That means higher unemployment already having been experienced in excess of 22% for months. Do not forget a few years ago that sales were double what they are today and unemployment was more or less half of what it is today. Thus, we enter this new economic region about 50% worse off than we were three years ago. Official inflation is slightly lower today, but real inflation is considerably higher at 6-1/2% to 7%. Capacity utilization is 10% lower as is consumer confidence. These facts certainly do not instill confidence in the present and in the future. As this round of QE2 gets underway we are certainly starting from a much lower base.....

Gold Silver And Commodities Likely Safer

Gold Silver And Commodities Likely Safer
An excerpt from Bob Chapman's weekly publication.
November 17 2010:

Oil can burn us badly, no wealth creation, not a good time to raise taxes, the time is now to discuss the antidote, Senate gridlock ahead, bears making lemons out of lemonade. Social Security adjustment in the mail.

We hear stories about oil and about how it will probably move higher, perhaps to $150.00 a barrel and perhaps higher. This is the first time in more than three years that it has moved to lofty levels. The net speculative long position is more than 200,000 contracts, or about 35% higher than in 2007. Some economies are doing well, particularly in Asia and in Latin America, but not enough to create such higher prices. $60.00 a barrel would more nearly meet demand. As is being experience by the entire commodity sector prices reflect the tremendous fear about money and credit unleashed over the past eight years, particularly over the past 2 years under QE1. That has produced unusual profits for commodity producers, as well as base and precious metals producers. This in turn will lead to higher wholesale prices for goods and part of that will spread to services as well. That in turn will force manufactures and others to raise prices, which will cut revenues and to some extent profits. If not passed on to consumers’ profits could fall more dramatically.
read more >>>>

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bob Chapman, talks with Clay about the NAACP and SPLC attacks on Clay and the Tea Parties

Bob Chapman, the International Forecaster talks with Clay about the NAACP and SPLC attacks on Clay and the Tea Parties

Bob Chapman, the International Forecaster talks with Clay about the NAACP and SPLC attacks on Clay and the Tea Parties as well as current conditions around the world and the massive Zionist, Dual Citizen manipultation of our currency and economy. Hear the whoe show at
Send a donation of any size through PayPal to and get on Clay's new subscriber list and receive the new e-Zine version of the Free American.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

John Stadtmiller Nov 16 2010 - Jeff Bennett,Bob Chapman- Roundtable

John Stadtmiller Nov 16 2010 - Jeff Bennett,Bob Chapman- Roundtable


John Stadtmiller Nov 16 2010 - Jeff Bennett,Bob Chapman- Roundtable - Commercial Free

John hosts a weekly financial round table with Jeff Bennett and Bob Chapman. Some have said this is the best two hours in radio.

John and Bob in both hours and Jeff makes a brief appearance in the second hour.


John Stadtmiller, one of America’s true radio trailblazers with his early creation of “Republic International” (later renamed “Genesis Communications Network”), and now the “Republic Broadcasting Network”, the fastest growing truth radio station in the country.

John’s “National Intel Report” is hard hitting and to the point with information you won’t find in the mainstream media. If you believe the Constitution is the law of the land, but sense that something is seriously wrong in our country, then listen to the “National Intel Report” for the best guests, news and information!

John Stadtmiller Bob Chapman - National Intel Report

Stadtmiller and Bob Chapman on Republic Broadcasting Network Radio.
There is no doubt that national paper currencies are collapsing all across the world.
It is a good idea to put some of your savings into both gold and silver.

John Stadtmiller Nov 16 2010 - Jeff Bennett,Bob Chapman- Roundtable - Commercial Free

John hosts a weekly financial round table with Jeff Bennett and Bob Chapman. Some have said this is the best two hours in radio.

John and Bob in both hours and Jeff makes a brief appearance in the second hour.


John Stadtmiller, one of America’s true radio trailblazers with his early creation of “Republic International” (later renamed “Genesis Communications Network”), and now the “Republic Broadcasting Network”, the fastest growing truth radio station in the country.

John’s “National Intel Report” is hard hitting and to the point with information you won’t find in the mainstream media. If you believe the Constitution is the law of the land, but sense that something is seriously wrong in our country, then listen to the “National Intel Report” for the best guests, news and information!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bob Chapman on The Financial Survival 15 Nov 2010

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold Trading Mon 15 Nov 2010

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of the 10th November 2010 ...:..European financial leaders are terrified by what is going on. The dollar is again headed lower and the euro higher. Europe is a big exporter and a higher euro is just what they do not need. ECB President Jean-Claude Trichet is right. The time for stimulus is over, it is now time for all to tighten. This, of course, will purge the system and the elitists do not want that unless they control it and that will be difficult to do. They would rather stimulate more and if unsuccessful at that have another war, as a distraction. We can assure you if the public loses faith in government and confidence in banking the elitists will be in serious trouble and we believe that will happen and it is not to far away....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Monetary Stalemate: Quantitative Easing Wont Work

by Bob Chapman via

Mr. BBob  Chapmanernanke is trying to avoid the Japanese experience of the past 20 years. Underlying deflation is being offset again, as it has been for the past eight years, by creating more money and credit. The only one lose to our prediction of mid-May of $5 trillion over two years is Keynesian economist Paul Krugman. He said the Fed would need $6 trillion. The Republicans seized the House and all that has really been accomplished is gridlock, the end of stimulus and a cut of perhaps $100 billion in debt.

Mr. Bernanke’s new round of debt buying has upset nations worldwide, yields in the US fell and the stock market rose, as did gold, silver and commodities.

The elections saw about 100 seats change hands. The Republicans now control the House and the Democrats the Senate. An unfortunate result because little can be accomplished at a time when the American economy and financial structure is in upheaval. Congress has to deal with criminal mortgage and bond fraud on a massive scale as the banks and Wall Street attempt to stay out of jail. America needs experienced evenhanded leadership and except for Ron Paul none is in sight. Still prevalent behind the scenes is the sea of bureaucrats from both parties that want world government and they are not going to disappear anytime soon. The rot is still controlling the system and we look for it to get progressively worse. Still, too many Americans have not awakened from their slumber. Banking reform is out of the question. There are still too many members of the House and Senate who have been totally compromised over the last 30 years. They would never vote for real bank reform or terminating the Federal Reserve. Democrats who voted for the house bill all knew votes would change when the Senate handled their side of the vote.
read more >>>>

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bob Chapman - Gold, Silver & the World Bank

Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty 11-08-10

Bob Chapman - America Needs Tarriffs!

Bob Chapman wrote in the International Forecaster of November 10th 2010 ...:``..The Fed has signaled that it will buy bonds, anything they wish to buy. That in turn will force interest rates lower and encourage borrowing by business and individuals. In this process the Fed continues to expand its balance sheet, something that did not work previously. Foreign central banks cannot be counted on to purchase and incur loses and Americans won’t be buyers unless yields rise and the Fed cannot allow that to happen. That means the Fed has to mop up all bond markets and that is where the $2.5 trillion comes in. At the same time commercial banks won’t be buyers because they have to deal with Foreclosurgate and the class action and RICO suits against JPMorgan Chase and HSBC. The Fed has its work cut out for it and the result will be inflation and QE3. The Ponzi scheme goes on based on lies and the greater fool theory. The tulip mania comes to mind. The scheme is simply brazen beyond belief. Unfortunately the scheme is the only alternative for the Fed and they know it won’t work. If we are correct, then that big meeting will be held to devalue, revalue and to default on a multilateral basis. If the US has the gold they say they own then it can return to the gold standard and remain the world’s reserve currency with all dollar holders paying the price. Revealing a Keynesian system that doesn’t work, but has kept the elitist bankers and Wall Street in power for almost 100 years. This meeting will also bring down world stock markets and a 30-year bull market in bonds. The losses will be gigantic and crippling....``