Saturday, September 19, 2009
Gold over $1000 an ounce G20 news dollar gaining value
Friday, September 18, 2009
A good part of money and credit injections have been into world stock markets
G-20 members that are flooding the markets with money and credit think they are doing a great thing saving us
Dodge the Coming Inflation Bubble
Bob Chapman
The International Forecaster
September 18, 2009
What do you do after you have zero interest rates and you have flooded the world with money and credit? The answer is you attempt to fight off higher interest rates and see if you can dodge the inflation bubble that follows. The commitment for this current fiasco to save the world’s Illuminist banks has already caused an official debt responsibility for the US of more than $23 trillion of about 40% of world GDP. That is staggering and it is official. We wonder what the real figure is? It is also wise to remember that the Federal Reserve, and other reserve banks worldwide, all international, are responsible for the carnage we are witnessing.
The public is now paying for their gambling and corruption as central banks, who started this scam, transfer the debt to the taxpayers by buying up toxic garbage, guaranteeing losses and making sure none of the key Illuminist banks don’t go under. The Fed, privately owned, won’t let us look at their books, so we can tell what they are paying for these almost worthless assets. We are told it is a state secret.
There have been some salutary affects, but they are only transitory. As we can see the pace of job losses has slowed and will slow over the next year in anticipation of elections. About 80% of the stimulus package hits before the next election. There will be a slight increase in production and some inventory building. The real question is what will the Fed, government, Wall Street and banking due for an encore? They will most likely demand another stimulus package of some $2 trillion; keep zero interest rates and perhaps go to negative rates and continue to increase M3, money and credit, by 14%. That will neutralize the undertow of deflation and cause higher inflation. This game could last for a few more years, but one thing is for sure, many more are discovering what the game is and they are flocking to gold and silver in a flight to quality to preserve their wealth. If you have any doubts our Treasury Secretary, Mr. Geither, has recently told us the same plan of easing is in effect. The manipulation and losses in fixed assets will continue. The underlying deflation will not go away. The remedy more money and credit and low interest rates will prevail. The manipulation of markets will continue; world monetization is going on full bore not only in the US but in the UK, China, Japan and many other countries as well. They are all working together to bring down the world financial system when it pleases them to institute world government.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Get out of the stock and bond markets except for gold and silver shares
" Get out of the stock and bond markets except for gold and silver shares. Terminate cash value life insurance policies and annuities; they invest in the stock market. Although mutual life companies have to invest in bonds. If you have to have some of your assets in cash, own treasuries from Canada, Switzerland or Norway. We are embarking on one of the most unusual times in investing history. Only 10 to 15 percent of investors will participate, the rest will lose 60 to 90 percent of their assets, their wealth. Don’t you be one of those losers. Don’t forget the elitists cannot print gold and gold is debt free. For 6,000 years it has been the only real currency. Gold and silver’s fundamentals are overwhelming. The supply is limited and production is falling and will continue to fall for years to come. Governmental and central bank debt is increasing exponentially and that is destroying the value of all currencies versus gold. Major nations are now aggressive major gold buyers. Gold and silver are going higher. Do not miss the opportunity to protect your wealth and perhaps to become very wealthy.
Our estimate of real unemployment, U6 minus the Birth/Death ratio, is 21% or 30 million people unemployed or employed part-time. If you include dependents that affects some 100 of 300 million Americans. In part as a result, yoy there has been 126,000 bankruptcies up 34%. That 9.7% unemployment just doesn’t tell the entire story. We continue to see energy and commodity inflation, which translates into higher prices, which are aggravated by lower wages. About a year from now, in the absence of further stimulus or increased bank lending, unemployment will rise to over 30%. That will lead to major economic, financial and social problems the likes of which no modern economy has ever seen. Residential and commercial real estate have 20 to 30 percent downside left depending on the market region and 25%, soon to be 50%, of US mortgages are currently underwater and 50% of mortgages will be in negative equity within a year. That is when Americans will finally realize their country is bankrupt. The FDIC and mortgage lenders are broke along with 50% of the population. Over the next three years between 3,200 and 4,200 banks will go under and the Fed will create $23 to $60 trillion to bail out the mess. Either that or your savings deposits will go up in smoke. We have $1.3 quadrillion in derivatives to be settled. If only 5% fail the financial system collapses. Banks are still leveraged 5 times deposits and carrying massive losses on their books. "
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Chinese Default on Gold Silver COMEX Positions Worries Foreign Banks
Chinese Defaults Worry Foreign Banks
From Bob Chapman 's The International Forecaster Weekly Newsletter:In 2009, China opened up various exchanges for investment in both gold and silver to the Chinese public, who previously were not allowed to invest in gold and silver. The opening of silver exchanges to the Chinese public is the most recent development and was accompanied by a ban on silver exports. The Chinese government is actively touting both gold and silver as an investment to the Chinese public, and with good reason. The yuan, like the dollar and virtually all other paper currencies, with the exception of the euro, are one hundred percent fiat currencies backed by absolutely nothing but government promises which aren't worth the powder to blow them to hell. Even the euro's gold backing is pathetic at best. Initially it was a respectable 15%, but the backing is probably now about half of that due to Washington Agreement gold sales and surreptitious gold leasing.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Bob Chapman on Gold Silver China Dollar collapse and much more
Dedicated to Murray N. Rothbard, steeped in American history and Austrian economics, and featuring Ron Paul, Joseph Salerno, Hans Hoppe, and Lew Rockwell, this extraordinary new film is the clearest, most compelling explanation ever offered of the Fed, and why curbing it must be our first priority.
Alan Greenspan is not, we're told, happy about this 42-minute blockbuster. Watch it, and you'll understand why. This is economics and history as they are meant to be: fascinating, informative, and motivating. This movie could change America.
Mises Federal Reserve Greenspan Liberty fiat money freedom banking bullion, celente, coins, commodities, crash, Depression, devaluation, dollar, doom, Economy, Federal, gerald, gold, investment, jim, Keiser, market, Max, metals, paul, Peter, precious, Radio, Recession, Reserve, rogers, ron, Schiff, seek, silver, stock, store
Ron Paul Federal reserve banking money changers international bankers fiat currency congressman inflation debt order
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Bob Chapman On Swine Flu Shot Goldman Sachs Gold and Silver and the Dollar
Bob Chapman on The Green T Hour Sept 4 2009
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Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller 9/11 NAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Bob Chapman Financial crisis collapse Dollar Stock market crash Swine flu N1H1 vaccine vaccinations Glenn Beck Peter Schiff CNBC FOX News Economic and economic Congressman ron paul libertarian texas republican presidential election campaign dorm room interview politics kotecki
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Fairy Tales of Recovery, Reality of More Failures
Bob Chapman
The International Forecaster
September 3, 2009
The Illuminists are desperate. They are appealing the Bloomberg directive to reveal who received funding to keep from going bankrupt from the Federal Reserve.
In addition HR 1207 will pass in the House this month. The question is in what form. No matter what happens the Illuminati knows we are hot on their trail. They have to do everything possible to end the depression, or go for broke.
Thus far there has been little recovery even with an official $23.7 trillion committed by the Treasury and the Fed. This number alone shows you how serious this situation is. The banking sector is still broke and is using TARP funds to buy out failing smaller banks. The residential TARP funds returned will go toward helping bail out the collapsing commercial real estate industry. Quantitative easing has not worked, nor has TARP and the endless stream of money from TALF. We are anxious to see if the FASB sticks to its guns and demands mark-to-market accounting. That will pull the cover off of the fraud known as mark-to-model, which really is mark to whatever you want it to be. As you can now see this is a much deeper problem than a subprime problem. That just triggered events. As we pointed out before we are still facing a new wave of subprime loans written over the past year by FHA, Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, plus ALT-A, Option ARMS Pick-and-Pay Loans and the failure of prime loans that will stretch to 2013. On top of that we have commercial real estate loans now to deal with and credit card failure. This is what the Illuminati crime syndicate has brought you in their lust for more power and riches. We must not forget as well, standing in the wings, are America’s creditors, especially the Chinese who are dumping $25 billion to $100 billion in dollar denominated assets monthly. Their goal is to be out of dollar paper in another 1-1/2 years. Then there are the other sellers. There are few buyers, so the Fed will have to monetize trillions of dollars in dollar denominated bonds, which they are doing secretly presently. It is no wonder they are terrified of an audit, which would not only uncover their illegal activities, but also expose their leadership and participation in the outrageous suppression of gold and silver prices. The status of foreign creditors could turn on a dime. We predict they will abandon ship one at a time, as the dollar slips lower and lower. The Fed and the Treasury have tried over and over to keep the USDX, dollar index, over 80 for weeks and they have been totally unsuccessful. It settled this past Friday at 78.31, just ready to break to new lows. We wonder how long these countries will tolerate such arrogance and the dream of world government? One must remember these countries are suffering the fallout of the actions that have been deliberately executed by these Illuminists and they are not happy about that. They are all suffering recession and many depression. It is only a matter of time before they too dump dollar denominated assets.
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Bob Chapman The International Forecaster infowars Alex Jones prisonplanet peter schiff Bob Chapman Ron Paul Jim Rogers marc faber Max Keiser gerald celente International Forecaster wall street Barack Obama Marc jim rogers Gordon Brown G20 Summit Nwo IMF Gold Silver
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Stock markets FED Gold and Silver are the main topics
Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty Aug 31 2009
Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller 9/11 NAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Bob Chapman Financial crisis collapse Dollar Stock market crash Swine flu N1H1 vaccine vaccinations Glenn Beck Peter Schiff CNBC FOX News Economic and economic Ron Paul RonPaul Gold Standard election 2008 economic political news commentary interview david walker constitution Alex Jones Endgame The Obama Deception Fall of the Republic Martial Law Ted Kennedy JFK RFK 9/11 false flag attack 7/7 London Bombings UK Queen England Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler National Socialism Islam Israel mossad CIA FBI MI5 KGB ISI swine flu avian influenza vaccine shot jab injection innoculation mercury swineflu