Friday, July 31, 2009

Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv They're Really Doing It !

regular guest on the Alex Jones show Bob Chapman the International forecaster covers a range of issues from economics to law enforcement the usual Gold and Silver investment advice the fake recovery that the Obama administration is claiming the fake unemployment numbers the soon to be mandatory H1N1 flu vaccine already implemented in some countries ...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bob Chapman bullish on gold and Silver Bearish on the US economy in general

Bob Chapman on RBN Radio 28 July 2009

The system is doomed there a 2.4 quadrillion black hole Bob Chapman the international forecaster gives it 3 to 5 years before the whole system collapses buy silver and gold bullion to save your belongings

Monday, July 27, 2009

The rise in automobile sales pushes prices of Palladium and other precious metals up

Bob Chapman today will discuss the pick up in automobile sales pushes the prices of Palladium and other precious metals
Platinum gained the most in seven weeks after Anglo Platinum Ltd. forecast a rally in prices as demand increases for the metal used in jewelry and pollution control devices in cars. Palladium and rhodium also gained.Bob Chapman will as usual talk about gold and Silver prices global economics and politics

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv What's in Your Vaccine?

Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster.
Category: Education
Bob Chapman Internationial Forecaster Swine Flu H1N1 n1n5 bird avian flu who Alex Jones Tv alexjones

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bob Chapman gold at $2000 and Dollar devalued by two third

The stock market rally is probably coming to an end as we head through august , in September and October the dollar will go down dramatically under the pressure , one new dollar for 3 old ones Bob Chapman says , gold will go to $2000 or $2500 , people should really be getting gold and silver coins , you do not wanna be in dollars ...Bob Chapman reveals that through his contacts that the US government is is charging its embassies around the world to change dollars into local currencies this happens in at least 6 places Bob Chapman says , The only reason they would do such a thing is because they believe there gonna be a dollar crisis and the government can use that crisis to have a bank holiday for 2 or 3 days to see what the public is going to do.....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bob Chapman on GoldMan Sachs Massive Profits

Goldman Sachs Raking in Massive Profits

Bob Chapman
Market Review
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Due to the fact that Goldman Sachs is currently the favorite of Washington they are raking in massive profits during a time when most banks and brokerage firms are struggling for survival.

Due to a very successful second quarter, Goldman has set aside $226,156 per employee in compensation – a 75% increase per employee. That means annualized compensation could be $1 million per employee for the year. We find this of great interest inasmuch as the recently converted bank received a $10 billion taxpayer bailout via Goldman’s connections in Washington. They also received a myriad of benefits from several other government schemes over the past two years. It is nice to know that in part American taxpayers made this possible while unemployment is running on a U6 basis at 20.5%, and Americans are losing their homes by the millions.

Pay surged 75% in the second quarter and compensation and benefits costs were $6.65 billion, up 37% from the equivalent quarter in 2008.

The immense profits of 33% were mainly due to trading profits of $2.7 billion. Goldman made up 24% of the Black Box program. Program trading made up 73% of all NYSE trading.

Read entire article :

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bob Chapman on Bank Holidays dollar devaluation Gold and Silver Market

Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv Jason Bermas and Bob Dacy

Bermas with the International forcaster bob Chapman on Bank holidays Gold and Silver the government eugenics the dollar devaluation the new global currency shown at the G8 by Russian president Medvedev and much much more.... Alex is not here today Jason Burmas talks with investigative journalist, author, syndicated columnist, and former communications security analyst with the NSA, Wayne Madsen. Additional guests include Dr. Michael Coffman, CEO of Sovereignty International, who appears in Alex's Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement, and Wisconsin resident and Iraq war veteran Vito Congine Jr. who had a flag confiscated by police because he dared fly it upside down.
Jason Bermas Bob Dacy Chapman The International Forecaster deteriorating economy Facebook SWAT Teamed

Part 1 of 4 :

Part 2 of 4 :

Part 3 of 4 :

Part 4 of 4 :

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bob Chapman on Real News RBN Radio 14 July 2009

Bob Chapman the International forecaster as usual talks about Gold , silver gold prices politics Goldman Sachs wall street precious metals Europe gold delivery delay , Mint announcement , the gold refineries are turning at full speed 24/7
Bob Chapman former stockbroker editor International Forecaster Newsletter gold silver bullion price economic storm financial crisis Red Dawn Endgame The Obama Deception Alex Jones Tv Satanic Illuminati Conspiracy Bush Obama symbolism dollar pyramid eye Lucifer Clinton reverse speech new world order alex jones 9/11 Satan symbols led zepplin Conspiritus JFK assassination

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bob Chapman on Discount Gold and Silver 15 July 09

Great Precious metals market today , gold is up so is silver platinum and palladium , Bob Chapman is here today with Discount Gold and Silver to talk to you about the market manipulation by the government and its proxy Goldman Sachs Gold and Silver prices The terrible inflation that is coming and much much more plus he takes your calls ...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Coming Bond Collapse Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman:

“The Fed and the Treasury had hundreds of billions of dollars for banking, Wall Street and insurance companies, but they couldn’t allow borrowers, facing foreclosure, a break. That would have staved off two million foreclosures and preserved $300 billion in equity. Congress couldn’t help average Americans, only the rich. We are in the greatest financial crisis since the early 1870s or the 1930s. These people have ravaged the financial and economic world and they are still in complete control of the system. That is because they have bought Congress and they have created a revolving door between NYC and Washington. Last year, banking, securities and investment firms gave $154.9 million in political payoffs. Real estate interests stuffed $136.7 million into politician’s pockets; commercial banks gave $37.1 million and hedge funds $16.7 million, for a total of $345.4 million. This is why campaign contributions have to end along with lobbying. When are Americans going to wake up to what is being done to them?

It is only a matter of when before there will be insufficient buyers of Treasuries to fund bond issues. We believe this has previously happened from time to time and that buying by the Fed from offshore accounts has held the market up. This we believe is why the Fed doesn’t want an audit. When foreign central banks stop buying, the Fed will monetize more and more as they are currently doing. They will be buying $3 trillion worth of Treasuries, Agencies and CDO toxic waste from banks over the next three months.

On June 5th, we saw the 2-year and 10-year Treasury yields spike as the Fed lost control of the market. We noted the actions at that time. It won’t be long before most long dated paper, that is over 5 years, will have to be monetized in a very big way. That also means interest rates will continue to move higher. We believe the treasury will be in the market for $1.2 to $1.5 trillion. That means the Fed may have to buy $600 billion to $1 trillion in Treasuries. They have already committed for $300 billion. It is hard to know exactly what this private corporation is up to because much of what they do is in secret. As rates rise it becomes very difficult to finance mortgages. At a 5.5% mortgage rate, 80% of pending and future mortgages cannot be consummated.”

Read Full Story

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Buy Gold and Silver coins Bob Chapman


Bob Chapman was back on Alex Jones Show talking about global economics politics , jobless numbers credit cards defaults car debt home debt economic collapse the carbon tax , corporate personal and governmental debts always on the rise ...and the government wants people to spend !! ! birth death ratio unemployment numbers manipulation , the FBI arrested an ex Goldman Sachs who is allegedly stole a coded program that allows to read the market , this program originate from the government , the New York Stock Exchange has another program that pays the market makers to manipulate the market ...Goldman Sachs admits that this algorithms allow you to read the markets , a timing mechanism between trades which allows you to pick a penny here and there and make millions at the end of the day , this is called "Salami Slicing " amongst the insiders ..Gold and Silver is your best hedge to save your earned savings, that's your only salvation said Bob Chapman ....

bob chapman alex jones ron paul rand paul obama g8 politics news new world order jim rogers max keiser marc faber gerald celente peter schiff conspiracy cheney wayne madsen russia medvedev afghanistan wall street stock market bailout stimulus tea party russia today bernanke paulson federal reserve economy depression recession inflation hyperinflation lew rockwell tom woods

Monday, July 6, 2009

Bob Chapman on Power Hour 06 July 2009

Bob Chapman on Power Hour 06 July 2009

Bob Chapman is back from vacation , the topics he touches today is California being broke and issuing IOUs the illegal aliens problem in Cali , a state that is used to spend like there is no tomorrow , the USA Russia tense relations despite the appearances , India joining the countries calling for an alternative to the dollar , and BOB Chapman explains how it is difficult for these countries Russia China India Brazil to get out of the dollar because they have devaluated their own currencies in order to export to the American market while building during the years large amounts of US dollars reserves in the trillions so in deep these countries do not want the dollar to collapse because this will mean a collapse of their savings as well , Cynthia McKinney imprisoned in Israel for trying to bring help to Gaza ......and as always Bob Chapman will talk about the gold silver prices stocks wall street and much much more

Friday, July 3, 2009

Bob Chapman on A Marines Disquisition July 2009

Bob Chapman the International Forecaster on A Marines Disquisition with Drew Raines the topics are the Warren Buffett charity shares going to Melinds Gates foundation , the Bernard Madoff sentence to 150 years in jail the behind the scene that only Bob Chapman could decipher , unemployment figures soaring although the official numbers are manipulated , 16.5% is the official unemployment number said Bob Chapman without the birth and death manipulation , that's 14.5 million unemployed , , they will need another stimulus to keep the pot boiling , the FED have to monetize 3 trillions in bonds all created out of thin air
and of course BOB talks about the Gold and silver wall street the stock markets manipulations and much much more...

Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller 9/11 NAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Bob Chapman

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Bob Chapman exposes CNBC cheerleaders denying the existence of the 'Plunge Protection Team'

Bob Chapman talks to Dr Stan Monteith about his own calculated unemployment figures and ridicules the financial media
Category: News & Politics
CNBC Bob Chapman economic collapse depression CIA Michael Jackson unemployment Mad Money