Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Bob Chapman Worldwide Depression: Review of Global Markets
Bob Chapman
June 30, 2009
As you have already seen this is a worldwide depression and no one will escape. Europe’s economy is already in a shambles as is the US economy. Inflation will rage all over the world, because every nation has created massive amounts of money and credit as demanded by US and British elitists. They have all overmedicated the patient. As the Broadway hit play of many years ago told us, we are going to have to go through a “Period of Adjustment.” Some nations will get off easier than others. There will be no decoupling and many nations could have revolutions.
Government spending and increased debt has been taken on by all countries and to in part pay for that taxes will rise everywhere. Deficits will hit records as far as the eye can see. You can’t have massive spending, massive debt and massive tax increases and expect to have growth. It is impossible.
Thus far government has been able to paper over the systemic meltdown in the financial area. They still haven’t dealt with off balance sheet and derivative losses. Even with the trillions poured into these entities it has not been enough to solve their problems and over the next few years that will become obvious.
The Treasury plans of having the fox, the Fed, take over the chicken coop is pure insanity. These are the very people who caused the problem by encouraging mis-rating, securitization and lending that defied reality. Now the Fed is to become policeman. It is really insulting and removes any sense of security from the system.
The problem of protecting consumers lies in the hands of the Fed, raters, lenders and Wall Street. Greed overcame any semblance of prudence.
The Treasury, as stated under the Constitution, should have the authority to solve financial crisis, but they cannot because the Fed has the tools to do so. Those tools have to be put in the hands of the Treasury again. It is not a cure all, but it is a step forward. That has to be accompanied by ending the revolving door between banking, Wall Street and the positions appointed in Washington, especially the Treasury.
Giving the Fed more powers to regulate is not addressing the underlying problem and shifting private debt into public debt isn’t an answer either. The main cause of the problem is leverage, securitization, and globalization and the massive use of derivatives. Free trade and globalization are the worst and have caused wage-price imbalance and stripping America of its ability to compete.
The advantages all accrue to transnational conglomerates and third world nations. This enriches the rich and takes the living standards in the US, Canada and Europe down to the levels of the third world.
Why would our president want the Fed to have day-to-day supervision over the largest bank holding companies, which own the Fed? This is the group that caused all these failures. The Fed would have a financial empire that would allow them to engage in greater corruption. It would control a financial colossus.
Then the FDIC would receive more powers to wind down whatever banks they decided would be eliminated. If large banks can be bailed out, why can’t small banks receive equal treatment? That is because the big banks want to absorb the small and medium-sized banks eventually leaving us with 20 with a monopoly in banking. This is where this is headed. We are also told many more banks have gone under than we’ve been told about. Insiders expect 500 to 800 will go under this year, not the publicly announced 35 or 45.
Thus, the Fed and the FDIC are to be rewarded for failure. They didn’t use their regulatory powers over banks in mortgage lending, rating and securitization.
The plan of the administration is a copy of the Paulson plan to concentrate more power with the Fed. They have eliminated the Office of Thrift Supervision and merged it with the Comptroller of the Currency.
They previously proposed a merger of the CFTC and SEC, which isn’t about to happen.
The litany goes on and American waits for the other shoe to drop as it falls deeper into depression. As you can see this is a struggle to give the Fed total financial control over America. It can only end in disaster.
The Fed may revamp the repo market for they fear existing arrangements could put the clearing banks in a difficult position in a crisis. As securities’ values fall, clearing banks have to demand more capital or collateral to avoid losses. In that process they could destabilize the market. Positions of investment banks are so large that a default could be fatal. The solution, of course, is that the Fed takes over the defaulted positions to keep its monopoly in tact. The two banks at great risk are JPMorgan Chase and Bank of NY Mellon, both shareholders in the Fed.
A quarter of US employers have eliminated matching contributions to employee 401(k) retirement plans since September. Most say it is temporary, but we don’t believe it.
If exports don’t pick up soon the IMF says the dollar will need to be devalued.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. is raising some balance-transfer fees on credit cards to 5 percent, the highest among the nation’s largest banks, citing increasing regulations and costs after the United States put new curbs on the industry.
The lender starts charging more in August, just as the law to curb interest-rate increases, fees, and marketing practices begins to take effect.
The credit card law President Obama signed May 22 prompted warnings from industry executives that they’d be forced to raise fees, curtail credit, and restrict consumer rewards programs. Congress heard testimony yesterday on Obama’s proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency, which would have authority over increases like the boost JPMorgan is planning, said the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank.
Read entire article :
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Bob Chapman on Political Pistachio Radio Revolution
Bob Chapman : The Fed is the Ultimate Zombie
Bob Chapman In his latest article entitled The Fed is the Ultimate Zombie the International forecaster says that we have been on a road of inflation, headed towards hyperinflation, for quite some time.
"As this debacle transpires, everyone owning dollar-denominated assets will be running for the exits, all the dollars parked in foreign currency reserves will be repatriated, and the currency speculators will go to town as the Fed pumps out money in ever-increasing quantities to fund bailout after totally illegal and disgusting bailout. This will mark the start of the period during which the Much Greater Depression will be at its most severe level, and is where will we be Weimarized. You won’t know about the foreign investment until it is too late because, conveniently, like the cessation of M3 statistics by the Fed, the FTC no longer provides figures regarding foreign investment in the US."
The Carbon Tax Bill by Bob Chapman and Alex Jones
nightmare 'cap and tax' climate change bill and takes your calls.
http://prisonplanet.tv/ [[ OBAMA SAYS CLIMATE BILL JUST THE BEGINNING!! ]]
President Obama on Friday said the global warming bill the House is debating today is only a start, not the end of efforts to control greenhouse gas emissions.
The president, after a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, also said he remains concerned about post-election violence in Iran, but did not go as far as Mrs. Merkel, who said the international community must help to identify victims who were beaten, arrested or killed by the Iranian government.
And the president said that even with attacks growing ahead of Tuesdays deadline for U.S. troops to leave Iraqi cities, President Obama said the security situation there remains dramatically improved and the key problem is political reconciliation, not violence.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Bob Chapman on Gold and Silver Trading June 24 2009
In Todays market : Gold is up Silver is up , platinum down a dollar palladium is flat , Dow Jones is down , NASDAQ is up , New York Stock Exchange is up , US dollar is up , Crude oil is up ...Bob Chapman says that Gold and Silver prices are manipulated he speaks about Ron Paul 's bill to audit the FED he then takes your calls and answers questions touching several topics especially regarding gold and silver prices and the stock market etc....
TAGS are : Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller 9/11 NAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv 24 june 2009
Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had over 6,000 clients.
From 1962 through 1976 he specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of further study into the South African mining industry.
Mr. Chapman belonged to The Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg, but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.
In 1976, after the Soweto riots, Mr. Chapman began buying North American shares exclusively for his clients. Up to that point only a handful of American and Canadian issues interested him, due to the high dividends the South African shares had paid out over the years. Between 1976 and 1988 his business surged from 1,000 to 6,000 clients, so the bulk of his business ended up being Vancouver Stock Exchange issues. For this reason he is very conversant with the quality of management, geologists, properties and traders on todays North American scene. He is well known.
From 1976 to present he has spoke and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Until his retirement he was always judged by the attendees to be one of the top three speakers and never once was lower than first in workshops due to his vast knowledge of the mining business and his grasp of worldwide financial markets and political scenes.
In June of 1991, at the request of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began writing the International Forecaster.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Bob Chapman Mass Violence can erupt
Bob Chapman on Republic Broadcasting Network RBN
standard of living going down inflation on food basics increasing dramatically while there are no jobs increasing numbers in unemployment drastic cuts in welfare checks and food stamps if not total cessation of delivering welfare checks like in the state of California ...Bob Chapman this time delivers an apocalyptic message " massive violence can erupt all around the country , if we cannot get rid of the FED go back to a sound monetary system based on Gold and Silver , change the administration ...and ..."TAGS are : Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller 9/11 NAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Bob Chapman
Monday, June 22, 2009
Shanghai corporate meeting by Bob Chapman
Bob Chapman on the Power Hour 22 June 2009
topics are : treasury bonds gold banks the fed the Shanghai corporate meeting, unemployment Obama plan , monetary fluidityTags : Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller 9/11 NAU Gold Silver Alex Jones Politics Bob Chapman
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Bob Chapman on Obama's Financial Overhaul Plan
Bob Chapman The International forecaster says we got to get rid of the FED hopefully RON Paul's bill will pass soon , he then touches several topics such as GOLD and Silver prices on which he is a renown expert , the Real estate Market the dozens of neighborhoods that the government wants to bulldozer , the housing market won't stand on its feet before 2012 says Bob Chapman houses prices are likely to drop by a 40% ..., Inflation the credit crisis , credit cards default on the rise credit cards companies will continue their losses , the Unemployment , we will see higher interest rates probably around 6% ..this will create inflation...food prices are going up , food will become scarcer ...price inflation on food is around 12% ..China is headed for a certain collapse , US and China are both on the ride for a Revolution says Bob Chapman ...all G20 countries stimulus packages are working temporarily then inflation will hit them all , especially China which is totally dependent on American Imports Many countries will see Revolutions...this is no more a capitalist system , no more free market , the FED and US treasury manipulate every single market in the world , they want gold and silver prices to go down ...
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv End of A Republic
Bob Chapman is an ex intelligent officer formerly based in Germany a silver and gold trader and has a newsletter called the International Forecaster
Friday, June 19, 2009
The Credit Crisis Is Not Over Bob Chapman
The next major move in the stock market will be down. We are seeing the last vestiges of a rally similar to what we saw in 1931. The rally we expected at 6600 up to 8500 will end as soon as all the financial institutions that need to sell what stock is necessary to bolster their balance sheets. Our guess is the rally has been aided in a big way by short covering and the participation of the US government. Those who believe the SEC has stopped naked short selling are sadly mistaken. Markets weaken during the summer as volume dries up during the vacation season. In addition, second quarter earnings will be very disappointing, especially in the financial segment. Unemployment continues to worsen and capacity utilization is at its lowest level in years. Banks continue to cut credit lines and not lend nearly as much as they did before. Citigroup’s earnings should turn down again. They won’t have another $2.7 billion gain or another $400 million mark-to-market fictitious gain. Absent those gains they would have lost $2.8 billion.
The credit crisis certainly isn’t over after 23 months. The credit markets are still very tight and the residential and commercial real estate markets are still in a state of collapse. In the midst of this ongoing fiasco the Fed is monetizing $2.2 trillion in treasuries, Agencies and CDOs, collateralized debt obligation, otherwise known as toxic junk. Our fiscal deficit for this year ended 9/30/09 will be between $2 and $2.5 trillion, followed by more than $2 trillion in 2010.
Times are tough, everywhere and export nations are determined to keep their products cheaply devaluing their currencies.
When all is said and done the Fed will have to remove hundreds of billions in toxic assets from lender balance sheets, get consumers to spend and allow banks to lend again. Ben Bernanke at the Fed would really like to see a lower dollar, to get consumers to spend. But if that happens interest rates will move higher hurting real estate sales. As Ben dreams, unemployment increases adding more downward pressure on home prices, causing lower prices and reducing equity. Congress is pushing to have returned TARP money back to the Treasury and the PPIP program looks like a nonevent, because it could cause insolvencies. Public funds would be used to protect bondholders of mismanaged companies. Ben and Tiny Tim want to reopen securitization markets that caused the problem in the first place. They have to be insane. They want to bring back leverage that caused this monstrous problem we have.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Bob Chapman on Radio Liberty June 15 2009
Part 1 of 10 :
Part 2 of 10 :
Part 3 of 10 :
Part 4 of 10 :
Part 5 of 10 :
Part 6 of 10 :
Part 7 of 10 :
Part 8 of 10 :
Part 9 of 10 :
Part 10 of 10 :
Friday, June 12, 2009
Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show The Great Bank Heist of 2009
Mr. Chapman is 72 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.
Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had over 6,000 clients.
From 1962 through 1976 he specialized in South African gold shares. He and his family lived in Salisbury, Rhodesia (now Harare, Zimbabwe) and Johannesburg, South Africa from 1970 to 1973. During that time he did a great deal of further study into the South African mining industry.
Mr. Chapman belonged to The Traders Association for 25 years. He did all his own trading. During his South African years some was done directly through Johannesburg, but 95% was done through London brokerage firms. Hence, he has extensive contacts, both in London and on the Continent.
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.
In 1976, after the Soweto riots, Mr. Chapman began buying North American shares exclusively for his clients. Up to that point only a handful of American and Canadian issues interested him, due to the high dividends the South African shares had paid out over the years. Between 1976 and 1988 his business surged from 1,000 to 6,000 clients, so the bulk of his business ended up being Vancouver Stock Exchange issues. For this reason he is very conversant with the quality of management, geologists, properties and traders on todays North American scene. He is well known.
From 1976 to present he has spoke and given workshops at over 200 business conferences worldwide, and has been on radio and TV hundreds of times. Until his retirement he was always judged by the attendees to be one of the top three speakers and never once was lower than first in workshops due to his vast knowledge of the mining business and his grasp of worldwide financial markets and political scenes.
In June of 1991, at the request of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began writing the International Forecaster.
Bob Chapman the delinquency rate for bank-issued credit cards rose 11 percent
Financial Bailout Plan Keeps Zombie Banks Alive
International Forecaster
June 12, 2009
the following are a couple of snapshots from Bob Chapman's Newsletter
The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note rose to 3.90 percent last week as volatility in government bonds hit a six-month high, according to Merrill Lynch & Co.’s MOVE Index of options prices. Thirty-year fixed-rate mortgages jumped to 5.45 percent from as low as 4.85 percent in April, according to Bankrate.com in North Palm Beach, Florida. Costs for homebuyers are now higher than in December.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Bob Chapman the International forecaster The Swine Flu is a Scam
Bob Chapman the International forecaster The Swine Flu is a Scam
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Gold and Silver trading june 08 2009 : Bob Chapman
Monday, June 1, 2009
buy Gold stock up in food and ammunition what's coming smells rotten
"What we are about to tell you may be the most important information that we have imparted in almost 50 years. something very bad is looming – we don’t know the exact configuration yet, but we think the key is the collapse of the dollar, which will send gold and silver to considerably higher prices. These events could unfold over the next 2 to 4 months. There could be devaluation and default of the US dollar and American debt. You must have at least a 6-month supply of freeze dried and dehydrated foods, a water filer for brackish water, and assault weapons with plenty of ammo and clips. You should put as much of your wealth as you can in gold and silver coins and shares. You should not own any stocks in the stock market except gold and silver shares…"
Mr. Chapman has been warning of the coming collapse since as early as 2000, he always recommended buying precious metals as hedges against hyperinflation.he foresaw the Real Estate market collapse . He is now issuing dire warnings of an imminent collapse of the US Dollar, US Treasury bonds and global stock markets.
Read full article here…