Friday, May 29, 2009

Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones May 29 2009

Bob Chapman with Jason Bermas on The Alex Jones Channel talking about the Dollar Gold and silver , countries stsrt dumping the dollar while the FED is keeping on printing more ...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Depressed America No Longer The Safe Harbor It Was For Investment

excuses from Wall Street and Washington DC, we have not hit the bottom with job losses, Currency crisis coming in the fall, IMF a creditors cartel, we find ourselves faced with major growing unemployment, falling wages and via inflation and ever lower purchasing power, Most major banks and brokerage houses are insolvent, Finances at the state and local levels are a mess.
The excuses coming out of Wall Street and Washington are truly mind-boggling. We wonder how the public swallows them. One of the latest is that for one-week applications for jobless benefits had fallen. That is good, but we’d need a number of weeks of reduction for the fall to be meaningful. Anything to keep the market from falling. This has been followed by a long line of liars telling us we had bottomed out in the economy. The same litany we’ve been hearing for 22 months. Unemployment is a lagging indicator thus; the increases have yet to end. The latest bogus unemployment figures are 8.9% short term, including the birth/death ratio. That is phantom jobs created by the government supposedly by small and medium sized companies. That 8.9% supposedly matched up with the worst of the 1974 recession. That is not true, because the formula in 1974 was far different than today’s monstrous lies. The 1974 figures did not include the birth/death ratio, those working reduced hours and those in part-time employment seeking full-time jobs, which now makes up 2.6% of the workforce. Then there is the 1% plus that is discouraged and have left the workforce and probably won’t return.

Once unemployment has bottomed it could take a year or more before employers begin to rehire. They have to be sure increased demand exists and that the economy is recovering.

Today job losses are not only blue-collar, but white-collar as well. Due to free trade, globalization, offshorting and outsourcing those jobs won’t come back. They could return if Congress passed legislation implementing tariffs on goods and services. All those manufacturing jobs will never return unless Congress acts. If they do not act the economy is permanently doomed. Presently as many white-collar jobs as blue-collar are being lost. Mechanics cannot easily work in healthcare and the wages are a little more than one-third of what they were earning.

In 16 months the government admits that 5.7 million jobs have been lost. In the previous 8 years we lost over 5 million. Just to show you how serious this is, in 8/1981 to 12/1982, we lost 2.8 million jobs. In 3/2000 to 5/2002 we lost 2.2 million. Over 9 years we have lost 10.7 million jobs “officially.” We’ll never know what the real figure was. Can you imagine all the lost wages that left America to pay people in China, India and Mexico, etc.?

In addition, we haven’t even addressed the new people entering the workforce. Students with degrees who owe $60,000 or more for their education and cannot get jobs, because elitist transnational corporations have shipped their jobs to low wage countries. You are witnessing mass suicide of an entire country - up until now the leading country in the world.

We are looking at layoffs as far as the eye can see and that means no recovery and at the very best a flat no growth economy.

Americans, professionals and investors have to eventually come to grips with officially sanctioned bogus accounting. That includes FASB rule changes to accommodate Washington, bank and Wall Street. Then there are the Credit Value Adjustments used to elevate corporate earnings statements. This is when banks write down credit losses, then claim they can now be bought back and booked as gains, as the SEC looks the other way. These are losses claimed as gains. This is fraud, yet, nothing is done about it. This has been rife at the SEC since its inception. The big illuminist firms are left alone. The SEC pursues small and medium securities firms and brokers and newsletter writers. The SEC is an integral part of the elitist Wall Street cabal, part of a major criminal enterprise.
Read the entire article

Monday, May 18, 2009

Bob Chapman on Gold Seek Radio 16 May 2009

bob Chapman speaks about the Bernard Maddof affair getting curious and he link it to the other CCIE affair in the 80s and other ponzi pyramid CIA run schemes scams as he called them ...excellent interview as always

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bob Chapman on The Alex Jones Show 15 May 2009

This is part of the plan to de-industrialize the USA and create a world government said Bob Chapman , Bob Chapman also speaks about George Soros story during the nazi occupation of Hungary

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve

Bob Chapman
Global Research
May 14, 2009
The Federal Reserve Act was legislated in 1913 to end recessions, panics and depression. Over that almost 100-year period they have been eminently no more successful then their predecessors. The Fed is a private corporation, which guides US monetary policy. Its staff is from Wall Street, banking, and transnational conglomerates and occasionally from academia. Of the 12 Federal Reserve banks the New York bank is the most powerful. The staffing of the Fed at the least is incestuous, because the member banks take part in the staffing, as they filter to the Fed what actions they should take. That is done by the FOMC, The Federal Open Market Committee. As a further example the recent stress test done by the Fed was done on many of their owners. Sadly the public is unaware of this and even business majors and those with business masters degrees do not know that the Fed is privately owned or what they actually do. For those of you who would like to get a better understanding read G. Edward Griffith’s, “Creature from Jekyll Island” and the secrets of the Federal Reserve” by Eustace Mullins.
Recently we discovered that $101.4 billion was originally secretly funneled through AIG to AIG counterparties - parties that were owed these sums by AIG, which had not collateralized derivative contracts. That is like writing insurance and having no collateral reserves set aside for losing events. The Federal Reserve in their wisdom paid off AIG’s debt with what eventually will be taxpayer debt. This is wrong and it should not have been done secretly. When demanded by a Federal Judge to reveal to whom these monies were paid and under what circumstances, the Fed said it would harm their reputations and it was a “state secret.”

The biggest gun in the Fed arsenal is the New York Fed. The recently appointed Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner was the NY Fed’s previous governor. Mr. Geithner had worked in government previously and was in part responsible for the Asian financial disaster in 1997-1998. He is also a Goldman Sachs alumnus. He is part of a never-ending exchange of the denizens of Wall Street and banking being appointed to government positions. In fact Wall Street and banking have been running our government for a long time. Many say for too long.

This kind of relationship makes government a tool of major financial interests and it breeds corruption, as we just witnessed in the case of Stephen Friedman, formerly of Goldman Sachs, and until he resigned last week, for having purchased some Goldman Sachs stock, was Chairman of the NY federal Reserve, the position Mr. Geithner had held before him. This raises the fundamental question of appointment and corruption. Never mind the other issues the Fed is involved in. this is America’s most powerful financial institution and it is run by corrupt and perhaps incompetent people. The NY fed has a very special position, because it is actively running markets every day via the 21 dealers it uses to manipulate and uses these markets. This is part of the program never spoken of that exists to assist the “Working Group on Financial Markets, which manipulates markets 24/7, under an Executive Order signed in August 1988 by then President Ronald Reagan. This was executed to protect against market failures such that had taken place the previous October. The order was for emergencies. The Treasury, the Fed, Wall Street and banking have distorted its original intent. The Fed also sets interest rates and regulates the issuance of money and credit. Thus the Fed holds a pivotal role in our financial well-being. They also are to insure the soundness and stability of the banking system. If our banking system breaks down it is the fault of the Fed. When that happens it should not be the province of the Fed to commit trillions of dollars of taxpayer money to bail out its own owners.

You can get an idea of the incestuous nature of the Fed and Wall Street in looking at the select committee that not that long ago picked Timothy Geithner to head the NY Fed. Hank Greenberg defrocked former Chairman of AIG, who for some reason was never criminally prosecuted in the scandal; John Whitehead a former Chairman of Goldman Sachs; Peter Peterson, a former Chairman of Lehman Bros.; and Walter Shipley, a former Chairman of Chase Manhattan, now with JP Morgan Chase. We wonder why the media never questions these kinds of connections all of which are tied together by the Council on Foreign Relations.

Then there is the composition of the NY Fed board on which six board members are public representatives. We do not see any common business people on this board. They are all very wealthy New Yorkers, who are all connected to one another. There have been occasionally members of labor and academia, but they can only be considered tokens. It is very definitely an insiders club.

This means the Fed’s real consideration is the maximizing of profits for banking, Wall Street, insurance and real estate. This goal of almost 100 years has made these individuals and their families’ mega-rich. Competent or incompetent they always win. They have information and intelligence no one else has and you can be sure their inner circle has the same privileged information. As usual they are essentially unregulated, which gives the Fed an additional advantage. The lack of banking oversight of recent years has brought our entire financial system into insolvency. We do not know how you could call it anything else when most major banks, brokerage houses, some insurance companies and other lenders are simply broke. The Fed, and particularly the NY Fed, has been complicit in banks and brokerage houses using leverage of more than 50 times assets. In some cases such as JP Morgan Chase the figures are much higher. In fractional banking 8 to 10 times is considered appropriate. This is the biggest bailout of poorly managed corrupt banks in history. This failure is far greater than the failure of the Lombard System in Venice in 1348, the year of the great bubonic plague that swept Europe and killed 50% of its inhabitants. These elitists have brought the world economy to its knees. It is ironic, but true to insider dealing, that not one CEO or senior executive has been fired, as trillions of dollars have been lost.
Read The Whole Article

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Menghasilkan Uang dari Internet Dalam Waktu 5 Menit

Ada rahasia bagaimana cara anda menghasilkan uang dari Internet dalam waktu 5 menit. Ini mungkin yang akan menjadi pokok bahasan Achiles pagi ini mengenai pengalaman semalam berbincang dengan sopir taxi yang ingin mendapatkan penghasilan lewat sebuah program yang menjanjikan rekening akan terisi uang dalam waktu 5 menit. Begini ceritanya. Kemarin ada seorang bapak sopir taxi yang menghampiri saya untuk meminta dibuatin sebuah website untuk menjalankan syarat program si "Anu" yang mengatakan bahwa sopir taxi tadi akan mendapatkan sejumlah uang yang akan masuk ke rekening beliau jika ia membeli e-book seharga 180rb dan mempunyai website sebagai media. Entah sopir taxi ini mendapat informasi darimana namun dari sinar matanya ia sangat berharap agar saya membantu beliau membuatkan sebuah website untuknya.

Karena penasaran dengan informasi mengenai menghasilkan uang dalam waktu 5 menit dari internet yang dikatakan oleh bapak sopir taxi tadi, maka saya mencoba menggali informasi lebih dalam lagi mengenai hal tersebut. Kata si bapak sopir taxi ia mendapat informasi dari sebuah buku karangan "si Anu" dan informasi dari http:xxx-xxxx (maaf saya pending dulu sampai benar-benar tahu bagaimana detailnya program tersebut) tentang cara mendapatkan penghasilan dalam waktu 5 menit. Spontan setelah mendengar hal tersebut maka kata pertama yang saya ucapkan kepada bapak sopir taxi tadi adalah hati-hati dengan banyaknya penipuan yang berkedok malaikat penolong dari Internet saat ini. Tidak ada usaha offline maupun online yang bisa didapatkan dalam waktu singkat. Semua butuh proses dan perjuangan. Dalam hati saya cuma berkata "Bagaimana mungkin bisa menghasilkan uang dari internet dalam waktu 5 menit, wong untuk boker di bilik perenungan (baca : WC) saja saya membutuhkan waktu sedikitnya 10 menit agar bisa semuanya tuntas dan perut saya terasa ringan kembali" hihihihi..

Hal yang kedua yang membuat saya tidak bisa membantu beliau saat itu adalah karena saya memang bukan seorang webdesign dan tidak tahu menahu cara bagaimana membuat website (membuat readmore di blog saja saya masih sering keteteran). Namun dari mata sopir taxi tersebut, ia sangat ingin bisa memiliki website karena ia sudah menyiapkan sejumlah uang untuk membeli e-book dari "si Anu" tadi agar segera bisa merasakan nikmatnya mendapat penghasilan lewat internet dalam waktu 5 menit. Saya tidak bisa mencegah lebih jauh lagi karena saya juga tidak tahu secara jelas (dan tidak mengatakan program tersebut adalah penipuan) mengenai program tersebut. Yang saya harapkan agar si bapak sopir taxi tadi bisa lebih bijak dalam mencerna setiap informasi yang ia dapatkan dari Internet, khususnya berbagai janji cara mudah mendapatkan uang dalam waktu singkat lewat internet.

Saya sangat tahu bagaimana susahnya seorang supir taxi memperoleh penghasilan akhir-akhir ini karena saya juga pernah punya pengalaman menjadi seorang sopir mikrolet beberapa bulan. Karena itu jika MISALNYA program tadi hanyalah sebuah "kata pemanis belaka", maka betapa kasihannya seorang sopir taxi tersebut yang belum tentu bisa mendapatkan setoran untuk hari ini harus mengeluarkan uang 180rb untuk membeli e-book demi mimpinya mendapatkan uang dalam waktu singkat lewat internet. Namun dari ini semua yang menjadi nilai plus adalah semangat belajar seorang bapak untuk menggali informasi lewat internet yang membuat ia banyak tahu mengenai program yang dapat menghasilkan uang, namun sayang jika semangat belajar tersebut tidak diimbangi dengan pencernaan yang baik karena hal tersebut dikhawatirkan justru akan memudarkan semangat belajar dan kepercayaan yang sudah terbangun selama ini.

Surabaya Shopping Festival ( SSF ) | Perang Diskon

SSF ( Surabaya Shopping Festival ) hadir kembali untuk menyambut pesta HUT kota Surabaya yang ke 716. SSF kali ini rencananya kan digelar sejak tanggal 1 Mei - 31 Mei. Seperti yang selalu terjadi pada Surabaya Shopping Festival sebelumnya, maka pada SSF kali ini perang dan pesta diskon besar-besaran hingga 70% pasti akan terjadi kembali pada sejumlah pusat perbelanjaan dan Mall di kota Surabaya. Menurut Ketua Panitia SSF 2009, NEIL V. STOREY, SSF di ramalkan akan kembali menyedot perhatian masyarakat pada setiap titik pusat perbelanjaan dan Mall yang ada di Surabaya dan rencananya akan ada 4 rekor MURI yang didapatkan oleh SSF. Untuk itu segala persiapan dan pelaksanaan Surabaya Shopping Festival dilakukan dengan sebaik mungkin agar Puncak Acara Ulang Tahun kota Surabaya ke 716 bisa lebih meriah lagi.

Untuk menggenjot daya beli masyarakat, maka beberapa langkah sudah dilakukan oleh panitia SSF. Kerjasama antara Pemkot, Asosiasi Pengelola Pusat Belanja Indonesia (APPBI) dan Surabaya Tourism Promotion Board (STPB) untuk mempromosikan kota Surabaya dan Festival belanja ini kepada banyak agen travel luar negeri menjadi sebuah langkah yang patut dihargai ditengah menurunnya daya beli masyarakat akibat krisis global yang masih terjadi. Diharapkan ada peningkatan omzet hingga 30% dari SSF tahun sebelumnya. Panitia SSF optimis bahwa penyelenggaraan Surabaya Shopping Festival kali ini akan sukses hingga berakhirnya acara. Untuk itu panitia SSF 2009 mengharapkan partisipasi dan dukungan dari warga dan tokoh masyarakat di kota Surabaya untuk mendukung kesuksesan Surabaya Shopping Festival dari tanggal 1 Mei - 31 Mei mendatang.

Sebagai salah satu masyarakat Surabaya yang baik hati, suka menolong dan tidak sombong, maka Achiles sangat mendukung acara SSF dengan berbagai program acaranya. Karena disamping memberikan sebuah kesempatan para pedagang untuk mengenalkan produk mereka, para pedagang juga mempunyai kesempatan menikmati omzet yang lebih baik lewat acara Surabaya Shopping Festival 2009 ini. Mereka mengharapkan krisis nasional dan Global serta belum adanya kepastian hasil pemilu tidak menghalangi para calon pembeli untuk datang pada SSF. Jadi lets go to party my lovely city Surabaya. Yang mau beli sepatu, baju, tas, komputer, laptop, handphone silahkan datang ke Surabaya deh, dijamin ada perang dan pesta Diskon super duper gedhe untuk anda semua :D.

The Economy will collapse Bob Chapman

Get out of the Stock Market and Bond Market now is a bubble waiting to burst...

In The Direction Of The Economy Is Not Going To Change international forecaster Bob Chapman writes:

These market gyrations will continue until the markets can no longer be floated on a cloud of hot air created by the combined forked-tongued exhalations of elitist bootlickers, Obama, Bernanke and Geithner, as they pathologically lie about so-called signs of recovery to draw sheople-sucker-dupe herds back into the meat (stock) markets for a fresh new slaughter. Roast mutton anyone? Even the media morons sound as if they are both stunned and stupefied as the markets continue to hold against the worst economic news in our history, with a potential pandemic thrown in for good measure.

They are calling this new phenomenon the “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” stock markets, which is really just the next iteration of what we have called the Goldilocks Matrix in many past issues of the IF.

It is only a matter of time before this market rally come to a grinding halt and the bear returns. The fundamentals of our economy continue to deteriorate, albeit at a slower pace, so any rally in the financial markets is simply unsustainable. Trillions of dollars in personal wealth have been vaporized in the last 18 months, with much more pain to come.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fenomena Perkembangan Distro | Gaya Busana Remaja

Distro sudah menjadi sebuah fenomena baru yang hadir khususnya di kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Keberadaan distro menjadi sebuah tren setter untuk menghadirkan gaya busana remaja dan anak muda dengan berbagai macam keunikan dan kelebihannya. Mengamati perkembangan distro di kota besar ibarat kita mengamati deret hitung yang setiap tahun selalu mengalami peningkatan yang cukup pesat. Di Surabaya sendiri saat ini sudah ada banyak Distro yang bisa kita temui, bahkan mereka hadir disetiap sudut kota dengan berbagai macam produk busana yang dibutuhkan remaja dari ujung kaki hingga ujung kepala. Melihat isi dari Distro sama halnya kita melihat perkembangan gaya busana remaja yang sedang populer pada saat ini karena apa yang di sediakan dan dilihat pada display distro, itu pula yang sedang menjadi kesukaan remaja saat ini dalam memilih model pakaian. Inilah sebuah Fenomena yang secara tidak sadar ikut meramaikan berbagai macam perubahan yang ada di Indonesia.

Secara jujur, Distro secara langsung atau tidak langsung juga memberikan dampak positif untuk perkembangan mode dan perekonomian di Indonesia. Distro bukan hanya sebagai sebuah pilihan mode pakaian namun juga menjadi sebuah pilihan dalam membuka sebuah peluang usaha baru. Dan yang cukup menggembirakan dari fenomena ini adalah pemilik sebagian besar dari distro di Indonesia adalah mereka yang masih muda. Ini akan mempunyai dampak pembelajaran kemandirian untuk bangsa Indonesia yang sudah terkenal dengan gudang sejuta anak muda tanpa pekerjaan. Keberadaan dan perkembangan distro akan membuka banyak sekali lapangan kerja yang tentu saja hal tersebut akan otomatis meningkatkan kualitas hidup rakyat. Dampak positif lain dari Distro adalah para remaja kini bisa bergaya dengan model pakaian terkini yang mereka sukai tanpa harus banyak mengeluarkan isi dalam dompet mereka. Kualitas produk dari Distro tidak kalah dengan produk yang terpampang pada butik atau tempat perbelanjaan busana lainnya.

Yang menjadi hal yang menarik lagi ketika kita berkunjung ke salah satu distro adalah penataan tempat, barang maupun tata cahaya yang di setting dengan sangat menarik. Lahan distro yang kebanyakan tidak terlalu besar dan luas bisa disulap menjadi tempat berbelanja busana yang sangat nyaman untuk para calon pembeli yang berkunjung dengan variasi warna yang menarik untuk memberi kenyamanan setiap orang yang datang untuk membeli atau sekedar mencari tahu tren busana anak muda jaman sekarang. Sepatu, baju, kaos, sabuk, dompet, topi dll di jual dengan harga yang disesuaikan dengan isi dompet remaja. Inilah yang membuat distro semakin berkembang dan semakin menarik simpati para remaja di kota-kota besar Indonesia.

Walaupun dengan segudang citra positif yang termuat dalam perkembangan Distro di Indonesia tetap saja ada sesuatu kekhawatiran yang berkembang yaitu para remaja menjadi sedikit konsumerisme dalam berbelanja sebuah produk yang mereka sukai. Kekhawatiran yang lain adalah remaja yang terlalu fokus mendandani fisik mereka semata. Namun secara keseluruhan perkembangan distro di Indonesia tetap memberikan pengaruh positif bagi perkembangan dunia fashion, gaya busana hingga membei pembelajaran tentang sebuah kemandirian mendirikan usaha.

Bob Chapman on Alex Jones Tv Order out of Chaos!

The International Forecaster talks with Alex Jones mainly about the Flu Hoax , martial laws Vaccines FEMA camps , The economy falling apart a probable invasion of Pakistan and an Israel attack to Iran , a 35% unemployment in a year , Obama Rahm Emmanuel ..the seeds of a new revolution ..etc....

Part 1 of 2 :

Part 2 of 2 :

Friday, May 1, 2009

Who Is Bob Chapman ? also known as The International Forecaster

Bob Chapman
Bob Chapman is 74 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.

Bob Chapman : Get your cash out of the Banks and The Stock Market - we will have Bank Holiday and the Stock market will crash by the end of this year
Mr. Chapman also known as The International Forecaster is a 74 years old. He was born in Boston, MA and attended Northeastern University majoring in business management. He spent three years in the U. S. Army Counterintelligence, mostly in Europe. He speaks German and French and is conversant in Spanish. He lived in Europe for six years, off and on, three years in Africa, a year in Canada and a year in the Bahamas.

Mr. Chapman became a stockbroker in 1960 and retired in 1988. For 18 of those years he owned his own brokerage firm. He was probably the largest gold and silver stockbroker in the world during that period. When he retired he had over 6,000 clients.
Bob Chapman : you got to remove these people from the government
Starting in 1967 Mr. Chapman began writing articles on business, finance, economics and politics having been printed and reprinted over the years in over 200 publications. He owned and wrote the Gary Allen Report, which had 30,000 subscribers. He currently is owner and editor of The International Forecaster, a compendium of information on business, finance, economics and social and political issues worldwide, which reaches 10,000 investors and brokers monthly directly, and parts of his publication are picked up by 60 different websites weekly exposing his ideas to over 10 million investors a week.

In June of 1991, at the request of business associates, and due to retirement boredom, he began writing the International Forecaster.
Bob Chapman : do not expect the government to guarantee your bank account , it is bankrupt